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The `creature_template` table

This table contains the description of creatures. Each spawned creature is an instance of a template present in this table, this means every creature MUST be defined in this table.



Creature's unique id.




If this is a kill credit template -- one that is a dummy template that is used when more than one creature can count as a kill in a quest, then this is a link to the first entry of the creature that could be killed to give quest credit.


If this is a kill credit template -- one that is a dummy template that is used when more than one creature can count as a kill in a quest, then this is a link to the second entry of the creature that could be killed to give quest credit. If more than two creatures can be killed and count toward a single objective, an smart or C++ script will be required.


A random graphical model that the client applies on this creature. This is a creature_model_info.modelid


Base name of the creature.


The subname of the creature that appears in <> below the creature's name.


Used to tell the player what kind of NPC this creature is.

List of known icon names:

Directions - Used for Guards and Teleporter NPC's.

Gunner - Indicator of a Turret NPC/Player Controlled.

vehichleCursor - Indicator that this is a PCV (Player Controlled Vehicle)

Driver - Shows a Steering Wheel icon when mouse over.

Attack - Shows a Sword icon indicating you can attack this target.

Buy - Shows a Brown Bag icon usually if the NPC only sells things.

Speak - Shows a Chat Bubble icon if this NPC has Quest/Gossip options.

Pickup - Shows a Hand Grasping icon of if this NPC can be picked up for quest/items.

Interact - Shows Cog icon commonly used for quest/transport.

Trainer - Shows a Book icon, identifying this NPC as a "Trainer".

Taxi - Shows a Boot w/Wings icon identifying this NPC as a "Taxi".

Repair - Shows a Anvil icon identifying this npc as a Repair NPC.

LootAll - Shows a Multiple Brown Bag icon (Same as holding Shift before looting a creature).

Quest - Unused or Unknown. (See EntryID 32870 The Real Ronakada).

PVP - Unused or Unknown.(See EntryID 29387 Arena Master: Dalaran Arena).


Also: Names are case sensitive. If in doubt use an example above.


The gossip ID of this creature. This field is obtained from sniff (update fields). If you can not sniff this value, and need to make one up, it must be > 50000. This field is the link to gossip_menu.entry.


The minimum level of the creature if the creature has a level range.


The maximum level of the creature if the creature has a level range. When added to world, a level in chosen in the specified level range.


The expansion table the creatures health value is taken from. Values are from 0 to 2. See creature_classlevelstats.


The faction of the creature. See FactionTemplate. Just because more than one faction has the same name, the inter-faction relationships can be different.

Note: This field also controls the creature family assistance mechanic. Only creatures with the same faction will assist each other.


A bitmask that represents what NPC flags the creature has. Each bit controls a different flag and to combine flags, you can add each flag that you want, in effect activating the respective bits.


So if you want an NPC that is a quest giver, a vendor, and can repair you just add the specific flags together: `npcflag`=`npcflag`|1|2|128|4096 
The same with hexadecimal numbers: 0x1 + 0x2 + 0x80 + 0x1000 = 0x1083


Controls how fast the creature can walk. For vehicles: increases fly speed.


Controls how fast the creature can run. For vehicles: increases ground movement speed.


If non-zero, this field defines the size of how the model of the creature appears ingame. If zero, it will use default model size taken from the DBC.


The rank of the creature:




Worldserver.conf (Corpse.Decay)


spawntimesecs + Corpse.Decay


Note 1: An NPC's rank is mostly visual (which also requires your Cache to be cleared to see changes). Changing this value will not change its health, damage, or loot. However, it will change the respawn time of the creature.

Note 2: Respawn times can be modified in two other places: Creature.spawntimesecs (only for that single GUID of the creature) and in the worldserver.conf file under the "Corpse.Decay" settings (for ALL creatures of the same rank). The default `spawntimesecs` for all spawned creatures is 300 seconds (5 minutes). For example, using the ".npc add" command to spawn a "Normal" NPC will give it a default respawn time of 6 minutes (spawntimesecs + Corpse.Decay time). Also, the creature must decay first before it can respawn. For this reason, the Corpse Decay Time of the creature is also it's minimum respawn time, since setting the creature's Creature.spawntimesecs = 0 will remove the Default Respawn Time. In the example above, setting our Normal NPC's spawntimesecs = 0 will mean the creature's respawn time decreases from 6 minutes to 60 seconds.

Note 3: If you want the creature to show a skull or "??" in the portrait (often with Bosses), set the type_flags to 4.


Minimum damage the creature deals in melee. This field is no longer combined with the attackpower field to calculate the damage.


Maximum damage the creature deals in melee. This field is no longer combined with the attackpower field to calculate the damage.


Creature's melee damage school.



The attack power for the creature's melee attacks. This field along with mindmg and maxdmg dictate how much the creature will hit for. The formula in applying correct damages is as follows:

UPDATE `creature_template` SET 
    `mindmg` = <#1>, 
    `maxdmg` = <#2>, 
    `attackpower` = ROUND((`mindmg` + `maxdmg`) / 4 * 7), 
    `mindmg` = ROUND(`mindmg` - `attackpower` / 7), 
    `maxdmg` = ROUND(`maxdmg` - `attackpower` / 7) 
  WHERE `entry` = ...

In the query above, substitute '<#1>' with the minimum damage you want the creature to deal and '<#2>' with the maximum damage you want the creature to deal.

NOTE: You might also want to double check the values calculated after the query is run because if the difference between mindmg and maxdmg is too high, mindmg will end up being a negative value.


Multiplier for mindmg and maxdmg

Example: mindmg=200 maxdmg = 500 dmg_multiplier = 10

Outcome: mob will hit for 2000-5000


This is the base time that determines how long a creature must wait between melee attacks. This time is in milliseconds.


This is the base time that determines how long a creature must wait between ranged attacks. This time is in milliseconds.


This is the creature's class, and it dictates levels of health and mana. Also note that health and mana will change according to exphealth_mod, and mana_mod. Not setting this value will report a minor warning in the DB_Errors.log.



Allows the manual application of unit flags to creatures. Again this is a bitmask field and to apply more than one flag, just add the different numbers. Some possible flags are:



Allows additional application of unit flags to creatures. Again, this is a bitmask field and to apply more than one flag, just add the different numbers. Some possible flags are:


allows casting spells with AttributesEx7 & SPELL_ATTR7_IS_CHEAT_SPELL


Flags that control visual appearance of the creature.

A few known flags and their use are:



The family this creature belongs to.



If the NPC is a trainer (has the trainer flag), then this field controls what kind of trainer it is. Both this field and the related field must be filled in for a trainer to work correctly.



If the NPC is a trainer that teaches professions (trainer_type == 2), then the player must already know the spell ID specified here to be able to talk to this NPC.


If the NPC is a class trainer or a pet trainer (trainer_type == 0 or 3), then the player's class must be the same as the value specified here to talk to this trainer. For pet trainers, this value must be 3 (hunter). See characters.class


If the NPC is a mount trainer (trainer_type == 1), then the player's race must be the same as the value specified here to talk to this trainer. See characters.race


Minimum ranged damage the creature inflicts.


Maximum range damage the creature inflicts.


This field also refers to the damage multiplier.

Example: If the creature is using a ranged weapon and its rangedattackpower = 500 and the dmg_multiplier is 10 the max that it can hit for with ranged attacks would be 5000


The type of the creature.



This field can control whether a mob is minable or herbable or lootable by engineer. If it is either of those three, then the loot given when it is skinned/mined will be stored in the skinning_loot_template table. It also controls, whether this mob can be tamed by a hunter. Other fields have no special meaning on the serverside. The entire field will be send to the client in SMSG_CREATURE_QUERY_RESPONSE


Projectiles can collide with this creature - interacts with TARGET_DEST_TRAJ


Can only interact with its creator.



The ID of the loot template ID that this creature should use to generate loots. See creature_loot_template.entry


The ID of the pickpocketing loot template that this creature should use to generate pickpocketing loots. See pickpocketing_loot_template.entry


The ID of the skinning loot template that this creature should use to generate skinning loots. See skinning_loot_template.entry


Holy resistance.


Fire resistance.


Nature resistance.


Frost resistance.


Shadow resistance.


Arcane resistance.


Spell ID that can be used for Mind Control of this creature. 
For vehicle creatures: 1st spell on action bar


Spell ID that can be used for Mind Control of this creature. 
For vehicle creatures: 2nd spell on action bar


Spell ID that can be used for Mind Control of this creature. 
For vehicle creatures: 3rd spell on action bar


Spell ID that can be used for Mind Control of this creature. 
For vehicle creatures: 4th spell on action bar


Spell ID that can be used for Mind Control of this creature. 
For vehicle creatures: 5th spell on action bar


Spell ID that can be used for Mind Control of this creature. 
For vehicle creatures: 6th spell on action bar


Spell ID that can be used for Mind Control of this creature. 
For vehicle creatures: 7th spell on action bar


Spell ID that can be used for Mind Control of this creature. 
For vehicle creatures: 8th spell on action bar


ID, found in CreatureSpellData.dbc, that displays what spells the pet has in the client.


Entryid of Vehicle if creature is/has a vehicle entry. This field determines how the player appears on the vehicle, how the vehicle moves, and whether or not the vehicle action bar is shown. For example, a VehicleID of 292 will make the player invisible, prevent the vehicle from strafing left/right (but will allow fowards/backwards), and will show the vehicle action bar spells (which are defined in spell1-8). An npc_spellclick_spells entry must be made for this creature entry in order for this to work.


Minimum money that the creature drops when killed, in copper.


Maximum money that the creature drops when killed, in copper.


This field is overridden by ScriptName field if both are set.



The creature's default movement type.



Controls where the creature can move and attack.


(This is a bitmask'ed value. You can add values together: 1+4=5 would make the creature walk on ground and fly.)



Distance above the ground that the creature will hover if it has MOVEMENTFLAG_DISABLE_GRAVITY enabled. Value taken from sniffs.


Used to modify the base Level/Class health of a creature. This field comes from WDB.


Used to modify the base Level/Class mana of a creature. This field comes from WDB.


Used to modify the base Level/Class armor of a creature.


A flag indicating wheather the creature is a racial leader. Killing racial leaders grants 100 honor.


Tells the client (mouse-hovering this creature -> tooltip) that this creature will drop the item specified in this field.


We have no idea what this field does. It is passed directly to the client.


Boolean 1 or 0 controlling if the creature should regenerate its health or not.


This makes the creature immune to specific spell natures. See Spell.dbc at row effect_X_mechanic_id.

Uses references from SpellMechanic.dbc.


To combine immunities just add values. Immune to everything corresponds to the value 2147483647 (0x3FFF FFFF).


These flags control certain creature specific attributes. Flags can be added together to apply more than one.

Example: 32+64=96


NPCs can help with killing this creature and player will still be credited if he tags the creature


Creature is a dungeon boss. This flag is generically set by core during runtime. Setting this in database will give you startup error.



The name of the script that this creature uses, if any. This ties a script from a scripting engine to this creature.


This field is used by the TrinityDB Team to determine whether a template has been verified from WDB files.

If value is 0 then it has not been parsed yet.

If value is above 0 then it has been parsed with WDB files from that specific client build.

If value is -1 then it is just a place holder until proper data are found on WDBs.


Please select the version you are looking for:

TrinityCore 3.3.5a: creature_template (3.3.5a)

TrinityCore master: creature_template (master)