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Processor with SSE2 support 
Boost ≥ 1.55
MySQL ≥ 5.1.0 
OpenSSL ≥ 1.0.0 
CMake ≥ 3.0
GCC ≥ 4.9.0 or Clang  ≥ 3.5 (heavy recommended, specially on master branch)
zlib ≥ 1.2.7


While compiling you may get one error like: "c++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)" the reasons of this can be:

Low ram/swap amount: increase ram/swap to a minimum of 2GB of ram and 2GB of swap or decrease the amount of make -j to 1 (more concurrent compile threads = more memory usage). (you can get this using VPS servers)
SELinux/grsecurity/Hardened kernel: Kernels that use ASLR as a security measure tend to mess up GCC's precompiled header implementation. Try using an unhardened kernel (without ASLR), or compiling using clang, or gcc without pch. (you can get this issue when using OVH hosting).
