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.rbac accountSyntax: .rbac account [$account]

View permissions of selected player or given account

Note: Only those that affect current realm

Note: Shows real permissions after checking group and roles

.rbac account permissionSyntax: .rbac account permission list [$account]

View permissions of selected player or given account

Note: Only those that affect current realm

Note: Only those directly granted or denied, does not include inherited permissions from roles

.rbac account permission grantSyntax: .rbac account permission grant [$account] #id [#realmId]

Grant a permission to selected player or given account.

#reamID may be -1 for all realms.

.rbac account permission denySyntax: .rbac account permission deny [$account] #id [#realmId]

Deny a permission to selected player or given account.

#reamID may be -1 for all realms.

.rbac account permission revokeSyntax: .rbac account permission revoke [$account] #id

Remove a permission from an account

Note: Removes the permission from granted or denied permissions

.rbac listSyntax: .rbac list

View list of all permissions.

If $id is given will show only info for that permission.
