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This DBC contains all achievements.

 Version is : 3.3.5a




IDIntegerAchievement ID
2FactionInteger-1: both, 0: Horde or 1: Alliance
MapiRefID IntegerOnly set if achievement is related to a zone, otherwise set to -1
4PreviousiRefIDIntegerIf the Achievement belongs to a series, this is the ID of the previous one. 0 otherwise.
5-20NameString + Loc 
21? Seems to be always 0xFF01FE
22-37DescriptionString + LocIf Description is empty, it's not an Achievement but part of the statistics tab
38? Seems to be always 16712190, in rare cases 16712188 (instances ?)
39CategoryiRefIDIntegerCategory ID
41OrderInGroupIntegerMin. value: 1
42FlagsInteger0-768, if it's 256 only one person per Realm can reach that achievement and if it's 768 it's only reachable for one raid per realm. Perhaps a second category?
43SpellIconiRefIDIntegerAn icon to display.
44-59RewardString+ Loc 
47Bonus Additional reward text
60? Float number ?
61DemandsIntegerNumber of things you have to get/fulfill to get this Achievement. For example if you have to get 25 tabards, there is a 25. TrinityCore: "need this count of completed criterias (own or referenced achievement criterias)"
62ReferencedAchievemntiRefIDInteger TrinityCore: "referenced achievement (counting of all completed criterias)"
