Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
int(10) | unsigned | PRI | NO |
| |
tinyint(3) | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 |
| |
smallint(5) | unsigned |
| YES | 0 |
| |
smallint(5) | unsigned |
| YES | 0 |
| |
smallint(5) | unsigned |
| YES | 0 |
| |
smallint(5) | unsigned |
| YES | 0 |
| |
smallint(5) | unsigned |
| YES | 0 |
| |
smallint(5) | unsigned |
| YES | 0 |
Description of the fields
The GUID of the character. See characters.guid
spec = 0 is the first spec, spec = 1 is the second spec.
The GlyphProperties entry of the glyphs in that particular spec.