The `spell_group_stack_rules` table
Table defines if auras in one spell_group can't stack with each other.
Notes: The table doesn't affect persistent area auras stacking or passive auras stacking (they can stack always) or spells belonging to same spell_rank (they are always subject of SPELL_GROUP_STACK_RULE_EXCLUSIVE rule)
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
int(11) | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 |
| |
tinyint(3) | signed |
| NO | 0 |
Description of the fields
Id of group in spell_group table. The spell_group may contain another spell_groups inside, if so stacking rule needs to be defined for these groups separately.
Enum SpellGroupStackRule in core:
Id | Stack Rule Name | Description |
0 | SPELL_GROUP_STACK_RULE_DEFAULT | No stacking rule defined - placeholder |
1 | SPELL_GROUP_STACK_RULE_EXCLUSIVE | Auras from group can't stack with each other |
2 | SPELL_GROUP_STACK_RULE_EXCLUSIVE_FROM_SAME_CASTER | Auras from group can't stack with each other when cast by same caster |
3 | SPELL_GROUP_STACK_RULE_EXCLUSIVE_SAME_EFFECT | Same effects of spells will not stack, yet auras will remain on a target |
4 | SPELL_GROUP_STACK_RULE_EXCLUSIVE_HIGHEST | Only Highest effect will remain on target |
A spell should be in only 1 group with this stack rule.