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titleField Descriptions


The ID of the creature. See creature_template.entry.


Position of the item when the vendor window opens. The image below explains how the vendor-inventory slots are numbered. To continue on past the first page just use numbers 10, 11, 12, etc...

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The item ID. See  item_template.entry.


The maximum number of items carried by the vendor at any time. If you want the vendor to carry an unlimited number of the item then set this to 0 else set it to any positive number. In the image below the maxcount value is circled.

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Combined with maxcount, this field tells how often (in seconds) the vendor list is refreshed and the limited item copies are restocked. For limited item copies, every refresh, the quantity is increased by item_template.BuyCount .


The value here corresponds to the ID in ItemExtendedCost.dbc and that ID controls the item's non monetary price, be it honor points, arena points, different types of badges or any combination of the above.
