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Table: quest_template


Mist of Pandaria and all Expansions after:

33555378 (33554432 + 256 + 128 + 32 + 16 + 2 + 512)  = Horde

18875469 (16777216 + 2097152 + 1024 + 64 + 8 + 4 + 1) = Alliance


Skill required to know to accept the quest. See SkillIne.dbc
0 means no skill is required.


Note that some flags may not be supported by core.


This has been moved to quest_template_addon.SpecialFlags

This field is a bitmask and is for controlling server side quest functions. This data blizz keeps serverside, and is not sent to the client, so we have to populate the field manually.






Faction Id (from Faction.dbc) for which the quest give reputation points.
Number of gain or lost reputation points for Faction at quest completion. This is special reputation rewarding. Normal reputation reward to quest rewarding creature faction calculated and added automatically.



This field is used for reputation lookup in QuestFactionReward.dbc if 74218806 is 0. Value X in this field indicates RepX column of QuestFactionReward.dbc. If RewardRepValueId is positive, reputation from the first row of QuestFactionReward.dbc will be used, for negative values the second row is used.



This field is used to give reputation values not present in QuestFactionReward.dbc or to override them if 74218806 is wrong for some reason. The value in this field is 100× the intended reputation reward (if you want to give 400 rep, put 40000 in RewardFactionValueIdOverride).


Y coordinate of quest POI.





Title of the quest.



The quest text. You can use certain placeholders that will be filled in in-game: $B - line break, $N - name, $R - race, $C - class, $Gmale:female; (male and female can be replace with any synonymn you want, but the order must stay the same. IE: boy:girl / man:woman / sir:madam / dude:chick)






First text send to the player by the NPC when completing the quest. You can use certain placeholders that will be filled in in-game: $B - line break, $N - name, $R - race, $C - class, $Gmale:female; (male and female can be replace with any synonymn you want, but the order must stay the same. IE: boy:girl / man:woman / sir:madam / dude:chick)


Text sent to player when the player tries to talk to the NPC with the quest active but incomplete. (The text under the "Progress" title in Wowhead.) You can use certain placeholders that will be filled in in-game: $B - line break, $N - name, $R - race, $C - class, $Gmale:female; (male and female can be replace with any synonymn you want, but the order must stay the same. IE: boy:girl / man:woman / sir:madam / dude:chick)




Value > 0:required creature_template ID the player needs to kill/cast on in order to complete the quest.
Value < 0:required gameobject_template ID the player needs to cast on in order to complete the quest.
If*RequiredSpellCast*is != 0, the objective is to cast on target, else kill.
NOTE: If RequiredSpellCast is != 0 and the spell has effects Send Event or Quest Complete, this field may be left empty.
