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Table: quest_template


Mist of Pandaria and all Expansions after:

33555378 (33554432 + 256 + 128 + 32 + 16 + 2 + 512)  = Horde

18875469 (16777216 + 2097152 + 1024 + 64 + 8 + 4 + 1) = Alliance


Skill required to know to accept the quest. See SkillIne.dbc
0 means no skill is required.


According to the Level, the basic experience with index RewardXPDifficulty is taken from QuestXP.dbc.


Money earned by completing the quest (if value > 0) or money requirement to complete the quest (if value < 0) .


The money a character at level 80 would get when they complete this quest. This field also controls the XP given as the XP is calculated from the value in this field by the following formula. If the quest is repeatable, XP will be given only once. The total XP that a character will receive is also affected by the level difference between the character's level and the quest's level.

The formula for calculating XP from the value in this field:
QuestLevel >= 65: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 6.0
QuestLevel h1. 64: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 4.8
QuestLevel 63: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 3.6
QuestLevel h1. 62: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 2.4
QuestLevel 61: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 1.2
QuestLevel <= 60: XP = RewMoneyMaxLevel / 0.6


Money earned by completing the quest (if value > 0) or money requirement to complete the quest (if value < 0) .


The money a character at level 80 would get when they complete this quest.


Spell that is shown to be casted on quest completion in the quest log. Note that this spell will NOT be casted if RewardSpellCast is non-zero. The spell in the other field will be casted instead, in which case the spell here only serves as the visual in the quest log.
