Table: quest_template
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Comment |
int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | 0 | |||
tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | 2 | ||||
int(11) | NO | -1 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(11) | NO | 0 | ||||
smallint(6) | NO | 0 | ||||
smallint(5) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
tinyint(3) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
float | NO | 1 | ||||
int(11) | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
float | NO | 1 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
float | NO | 1 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
float | NO | 0 | ||||
float | NO | 0 | ||||
int(11) | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(11) | NO | 0 | ||||
int(11) | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
int(11) | NO | -1 | ||||
int(10) unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
text | YES | (NULL) | ||||
text | YES | (NULL) | ||||
text | YES | (NULL) | ||||
text | YES | (NULL) | ||||
text | YES | (NULL) | ||||
text | YES | (NULL) | ||||
text | YES | (NULL) | ||||
text | YES | (NULL) | ||||
text | YES | (NULL) | ||||
smallint(5) | YES | 0 |
Description of the fields
if value < 0 then (-value) is quest sort id: (in general profession or class quests. Also see RequiredSkillPoints 74218806 ) Value is ID from QuestSort.dbc
Mist of Pandaria and all Expansions after:
33555378 (33554432 + 256 + 128 + 32 + 16 + 2 + 512) = Horde
18875469 (16777216 + 2097152 + 1024 + 64 + 8 + 4 + 1) = Alliance
Skill required to know to accept the quest. See SkillIne.dbc
0 means no skill is required.
Reputation value that the player must achieve with the faction in RepObjectiveFaction 74218806 as part of the quest objectives.
If value < 0: Contains the parent quest id, that must be active before this quest can be started.
See the examples section for examples.
If value > 0: Contains the next quest id, if PrevQuestId of that quest is not sufficient.
If value < 0: Contains the sub quest id, if PrevQuestId of that quest is not sufficient. If quest have many alternative next quests (class specific quests lead from single not class specific quest) field PrevQuestId in next quests can used for setting this dependence.
See the examples section for examples.
Note: All quests that use an ExclusiveGroup must also have entries in pool_template and pool_quest in order for the core to choose one randomly. See the examples section for examples.
The quest entry from a creature or gameobject that ends a quest and starts a new one. The result is, that if you end the quest, the new quest instantly appears from the quest giver.
See the examples section for examples.
According to the Level 74218806, the basic experience with index RewardXPDifficulty is taken from QuestXP.dbc.
Spell that is shown to be casted on quest completion in the quest log. Note that this spell will NOT be casted if RewardSpellCast 74218806 is non-zero. The spell in the other field will be casted instead, in which case the spell here only serves as the visual in the quest log.
Spell that will always be casted at player when completing the quest. This can be learn spell and player learned some spell in result, or buff spell, for example. If this field is non-zero then this spell will ALWAYS be casted and the spell in RewardSpell 74218806 will not.
NOTE: This field comes straight from the WDB and should not be changed.
How many seconds to wait until the mail is sent to the character that turned in a quest rewarding items from a loot template defined in RewardMailTemplateId 74218806
Number of honorable kill honor rewarded for completing this quest.
Multiplies RewardHonor 74218806, so if value is 2, it will give double.
WARNING: If this field is 1 and RewardHonor 74218806 is 0, the quest will reward default honor kill value (124 honor at level 80)
Note that some flags may not be supported by core.
This has been moved to quest_template_addon.SpecialFlags
This field is a bitmask and is for controlling server side quest functions. This data blizz keeps serverside, and is not sent to the client, so we have to populate the field manually.
This field is used for reputation lookup in QuestFactionReward.dbc if RewardFactionValueId 74218806 is 0. Value X in this field indicates RepX column of QuestFactionReward.dbc. If RewardRepValueId is positive, reputation from the first row of QuestFactionReward.dbc will be used, for negative values the second row is used.
This field is used to give reputation values not present in QuestFactionReward.dbc or to override them if RewardRepValueId 74218806 is wrong for some reason. The value in this field is 100× the intended reputation reward (if you want to give 400 rep, put 40000 in RewardFactionValueIdOverride).
Spell Id required to cast on RequiredNpcOrGo 74218806 to update Objective.