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Fedora based distributions

Tested on Fedora Server 25 and 26 27 (Fedora Workstation 25 and 26 27 should also work).

Bloque de código
dnf install git clang cmake make gcc gcc-c++ mariadb-devel opensslcompat-openssl10-devel bzip2-devel readline-devel ncurses-devel boost-devel mariadb-server p7zip
Fedora 26 ships with OpenSSL 1.1.x which can't be used for building TrinityCore. Luckilly, OpenSSL 1.0.x branch is shipped in the package named 'compat-openssl10-devel'. To install it, issue command 'dnf install --allowerasing compat-openssl10-devel'. Note that this will remove already installed openssl-devel package.

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/cc cc /usr/bin/clang 100
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/c++ c++ /usr/bin/clang 100

titleRed Hat based distributions (NOT RECOMMENDED)

Red Hat based distributions

Bloque de código
yum install epel-release
yum install git cmake3 make clang mariadb-devel openssl-devel bzip2-devel readline-devel ncurses-devel
ln -s /usr/bin/cmake3 /usr/bin/cmake

yum install libquadmath-devel python-devel
curl -L -o boost_1_64_0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf boost_1_64_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_64_0
./b2 install

yum install mariadb-server p7zip 

Note: You will only have to compile the boost library one time, unless you update your kernel or update certain security packages. You will also need to update boost-devel. The developer libraries will conflict with the compiled version of boost on Red Hat distros. Also be sure to install boost-devel after compiling latest version of boost.

Note: Some distribution versions might not match our requirements for CMake. If you can't install the EPEL repository on your build server, use the following instructions to install CMake manually.

Bloque de código
curl -o cmake-3.6.1.tar.gz
tar -zxvf cmake-3.6.1.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.6.1
make install
