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Comentarios: Fix link in Required Software



Getting started

This how-to will attempt to help with TrinityCore, and also show how this can be done in a way that also shows you the basics of how linux compilations works.

Most of this how-to is based on the use of a Debian based distribution, though we'll try to inform as best as we can when something differs totally.


  • Read your distributions' documentation on how to install packages, and also have at least knowledge on how it works with regards to adding users.*
  • Run/install TrinityCore on a dedicated machine, or a machine that you know you have full control over.
  • Do NOT install the software on a shared server solution or any server where other users may have access or might require resources to be available at all times.

Your server may be abruptly killed by an angry administrator or system staff for overuse of system resources.

Creating a user to work with

Start with logging in to your Linux-machine and create an account for the server itself - on most recent distributions this can easily be done with the following command :

Bloque de código
sudo adduser <username>

Note : Change <username> into the preferred username of your server-account - we will as far as possible avoid using specific usernames in this how-to.

Sample usernames found in various parts of this guide: wow , trinity ( - select a logical name that makes sense to you when creating the user - ).

Required software

See Core InstallationRequirements

Optional software

These tools are only needed or useful if you are connecting from a Windows host to your Linux machine

Graphical database-viewing/editing

Please note that the software called Navicat is NOT supported due to issues with how it handles SQL-files with "/* */"-style comments. We advise all users to stay well clear of this program unless they really are looking for issues.

Remote console connects to the server

File transfer through SFTP or FTP



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