Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.




3.3.5a only:

  • Open the file inside your World of Warcraft\Data folder. The IP in the file should be exactly the same as the IP address you entered in the realmlist table above.
    • Change the first line to: set realmlist <IP address used in realmlist table>
    • Example: set realmlist
  • (Optional) If you wish to use the WoW Launcher.exe to run your client then you must change your set patchlist to the same ip/dns name as your realmlist.


master only:

  • Get latest connection_patcher (from your build/RelWithDebInfo folder when compiling with tools) and apply wow.exe and/or wow64.exe on it by using the command console or drag&drop the exe files over the connection_patcher. 
    WoW_Patched.exe or Wow-64_Patched.exe have been created, use this from now on.
  • Change SET portal "<IP address used in realmlist table>"
    The IP in the file should be exactly the same as the IP address you entered in the realmlist table above. (Example: SET portal "")
    NOTE YOU MUST RUN CONNECTION PATCHER ON EVERY CLIENT PC. This means that if you compiled the TrinityCore server on Linux, but will run the client on a Windows PC, you will need to compile on Windows too, to get a Windows connection patcher binary.

titleSupported Version

Check to find the exact client version supported by master branch.
