Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.


  • Next create your Login Account by typing directly into the worldserver window the GM Command account create (bnetaccount create on master). Syntax: (see examples below)
  • If you wish to set the account as a GM then type into the worldserver window: account set gmlevel $account #level #realmid where $account is the account name to change, #level can be 0-3 and #realmid is the realm ID. Setting a #level of "3" is GM account level (higher numbers = more access), and the "-1" is the realm ID that stands for "all realms".


    Open the world database in your database management tool and find the command table. This table shows a full list of GM commands, their descriptions, and the security (GM level) needed to use them. You will not find a more accurate list of current GM commands anywhere else (assuming you keep your database up-to-date). The security level for a given command identifies that THAT GM level can use the command, along with all GM levels above it. For example, if a command has a security of 2, all accounts with a GM level of 2, 3, and 4 will be able to use it. More detailed information can be found at GM Commands Page.

  • Minimize your servers and run WoW (never run WoW using the Launcher unless you edited the's patchlist option above).
  • Log in using the user/pass you just created.
  • The Trinity realm should be selectable. Log in, create a character, and you're all done!


Note: The username used for setting your gmlevel is not the same as the username you create with bnetaccount. You must manually find the username in auth.account.username. These are formatted as 1#1, 2#1, etc.

NOTE2: if you have connected before using this command you will need to relog.

Login to your account:

Log in with email test@test and password test.through Wow_Patched.exe or Wow-64_Patched.exe.
