This article is part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.

<<Step 6: Final Server Steps

3.3.5a only:

  • Open the file inside your World of Warcraft\Data folder. The IP in the file should be exactly the same as the IP address you entered in the realmlist table above.
    • Change the first line to: set realmlist <IP address used in realmlist table>
    • Example: set realmlist
  • (Optional) If you wish to use the WoW Launcher.exe to run your client then you must change your set patchlist to the same ip/dns name as your realmlist.

master only:

  • Patch your WoW client with connection_patcher (from your build/RelWithDebInfo folder when compiling with tools) and apply wow.exe and/or wow64.exe on it by using the command console or drag&drop the exe files over the connection_patcher. 
    WoW_Patched.exe or Wow-64_Patched.exe have been created, use this from now on.
  • For MacOS:
    • /Users/yourusername/TrinityCore/tc-server/bin/connection_patcher /Applications/World\ of\\ of\ Warcraft
  • Change SET portal "<IP address used in realmlist table>"
    The IP in the file should be exactly the same as the IP address you entered in the realmlist table above. (Example: SET portal "")
    NOTE YOU MUST RUN CONNECTION PATCHER ON EVERY CLIENT PC. This means that if you compiled the TrinityCore server on Linux, but will run the client on a Windows PC, you will need to compile on Windows too, to get a Windows connection patcher binary.

Check to find the exact client version supported by master branch.

NOTE don't use localhost for address, if you need to connect to localhost use


If you still have any problem, check:

This article is part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.

<<Step 6: Final Server Steps