
The `item_modified_appearance` table

This table links together the appearances and item ids in regards to item hotfixes. Together with item, item_appearance and item_sparse they present the means to hotfix an item.



ItemIDint(10)unsigned NO0  
AppearanceModIDint(10)unsigned NO0  
AppearanceIDint(10)unsigned NO0  
IconFileDataIDint(10)unsigned NO0  
Indexint(10)unsigned NO0  
VerifiedBuildsmallint(6)signed NO0  

Description of the fields


This is the unique ID for the item_modified_appearance table and has no relation whatsoever to the item ID that is being hotfixed.
This value links to hotfix_data.RecordID with the proper TableHash accompanied.


This is the unique ID for the item that has received a hotfix.
This value links to hotfix_data.RecordID with the proper TableHash accompanied, item.ID and item_sparse.ID.


This value is obtained from ItemBonus.db2 and acts as a selector when there are multiple entries for the same item ID.
This value is by default set to 0.


This value links to item_appearance.ID and basically creates the link between the specified Item ID and the Appearance tables accompanying it.


This value is unused, leave it at 0.


This value is unused, leave it at 0.


This field is used by the TrinityDB Team to determine whether a template has been verified from WDB files.

If value is 0 then it has not been parsed yet.

If value is above 0 then it has been parsed with WDB files from that specific client build.

If value is -1 then it is just a place holder until proper data are found on WDBs.