Before proceeding, please make sure that you have your database setup properly - HERE

Now that you have the source compiled you need to extract some necessary files.


Trinity requires dbc and map files. It is optional but highly recommended to also extract Vmaps, which enable Line-of-Sight rules (casting through walls, etc) and Sanctuary areas (like Dalaran). Another option, which is still experimental and in progress, are Mmaps, which enable correct NPC pathings (along walkways instead of through walls).

WARNING: Use ONLY Trinity's extractors. Others are NOT supported.

If you use extractors from other projects it is almost certain that your TrinityCore will not recognize the extracted data! There is only one way in which you can be certain to obtain the correct extractors. If you add the option TOOLS in CMake before compiling, you will get them in your D:\Build\bin\Release\ folder after compilation is complete.

Extracting DBC, Maps, VMaps & MMaps

1. Browse into your D:\Build\bin\Release folder and copy these files into your root World of Warcraft folder (where the Wow.exe is located):


If you do not have makevmaps_simple.bat, create an empty one inside your root World of Warcraft folder. Once created, open it in Notepad and copy/paste the following inside it:

md vmaps
vmap4assembler.exe Buildings vmaps 


2. Run mapextractor.exe and wait until it is finished.

3. Move the dbc and maps folders to the D:\Build\bin\Release folder.

4. Run makevmaps_simple.bat.

Note: Extracting the vmaps will take a while depending on your machine (30 min. - 2 hours). Do not attempt to stop this process. It is finished when it prints "Press any key...". It will create two new folders: buildings and vmaps. The buildings folder is completely useless post-running and can be safely deleted.

5. Move the vmaps folder to the same directory as dbcmaps and the TrinityCore binaries.

The following steps are optional but recommended:

1. Move mmaps_generator.exe to the same directory as dbc, maps, and the TrinityCore binaries.

2. Create a folder called "mmaps" and run mmaps_generator.exe.

Note: Extracting MMAPS will take a while depending on your machine (1 - 24 hours). Do not attempt to stop this process. 

Note: The mmaps are experimental right now. Any bugs should be reported to the Issue Tracker.

Setting up the configuration files

Browse into your Release folder  (Can differ depending on OS)

Delete the .dist extensions from worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist

You should now have worldserver.conf and authserver.conf within your Release folder (Windows).


Scroll down to the LoginDatabaseInfo, WorldDatabaseInfo, and CharacterDatabaseInfo config options and enter MySQL Server login information for the server to be able to connect to your database.

On a newly compiled config, you should have the following values:

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth"     
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;world"     
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;characters"

It follows this structure:

Variablename = "MySQLIP;Port;Loginname;Password;database"  


The following settings must be verified:

IMPORTANT: If you choose not to run vmaps or mmaps, you must make the following changes:


Scroll down to the LoginDatabaseInfo and enter MySQL Server login information.

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth"

It follows this structure:

Variablename = "MySQLIP;Port;Loginname;Password;database"

Just like the worldserver.conf, you have to enter these necessary values and customize your preferences.

Realmlist Table

You need to make sure that your authserver application directs incoming connections to your realm.

Running and Connecting to Your Server

After completing all the steps listed above you can now start your server.

Final Steps

You can type commands inside the worldserver program, similar to a command prompt.