Configuring the server


  1. Browse into your  'Release*' folder  (Can differ depending on OS)
  2. Delete the *.distextensions from *worldserver.conf.distand *authserver.conf.dist*. 
  3. You should now have *worldserver.conf* and *authserver.conf* within your 'Release*' folder (Windows).
    1. Linux has it within /trinitycore/etc/
    2. Mac has them within /opt/trinitycore/etc/



Scroll down to the LoginDatabaseInfo, WorldDatabaseInfo, and CharacterDatabaseInfo config options and enter MySQL Server login information for the server to be able to connect to your database.

On a newly compiled config, you should have the following values:

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth"     
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;world"     
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;characters"
Variablename = "MySQLIP;Port;Loginname;Password;database"  



Scroll down to the LoginDatabaseInfo and enter MySQL Server login information.

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth"
Variablename = "MySQLIP;Port;Loginname;Password;database"

Just like the worldserver.conf, you have to enter these necessary values and customize your preferences.

Realmlist Table

You need to make sure that your authserver application directs incoming connections to your realm.

Running and Connecting to Your Server

After completing all the steps listed above you can now start your server.

Final Steps

You can type commands inside the worldserver program, similar to a command prompt.