This article is part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.

<<Step 4: Databases Installation


This guide is intended for advanced setups or just to provide more details in setting up your realm for local or internet use. In general the default setup explained in your particular OS specific guide should be fine for simple setups.

This guide is not meant to replace the How-to guides for your particular operating system. If you didn't read that guide go back and do that first.


Client setup

Client setup is pretty simple. Edit Data\enUS\ (branch 3.3.5) or WTF\ (branch 6.x)
Data\enUS\ (3.3.5):
set realmlist
set patchlist
set portal

WTF\ (master):
set portal

Make sure the IP or hostname directs the client to the server by IP or hostname
(which will usually be the same as your realmlist database entry).

master branch: drop Wow.exe over connection_patcher to create Wow_patched.exe .

Worldserver and Authserver configurations

For almost all basic setup scenarios the default localhost ( IP settings should be left alone. The default bindip ( should be left alone as well.

Setting the auth database realmlist for internet connections

This is where you have to use your internet IP so clients from the internet can find your server. You have to have the ports 8085 and (8086 6.x only) forwarded or open from your router / firewall.

Final Steps


Type: account create <user> <pass>

Example: account create test test

Type: account set gmlevel <user> 3 -1

Example: account set gmlevel test 3 -1

Log in with account test and password test through wow.exe.


Type: bnetaccount create <user> <pass>

Example: bnetaccount create test@test test

Type: account set gmlevel <user#realm> 3 -1

Example: account set gmlevel 1#1 3 -1

Note: The username used for setting your gmlevel is not the same as the username you create with bnetaccount. You must manually find the username in auth.account.username. These are formatted as 1#1, 2#1, etc.

Log in with email test@test and password test.through Wow_Patched.exe or Wow-64_Patched.exe.

This article is part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.

<<Step 4: Databases Installation