This article is part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.

Step 2: Core Installation >>

Processor with SSE2 support 
Boost ≥ 1.60
MySQL ≥ 5.1.0 
OpenSSL ≥ 1.0.0 
CMake ≥ 3.0
GCC ≥ 4.7.2 or Clang  ≥ 3.3


Xcode is available from the App Store for free. Run the following command from the terminal to install the required command line tools:

xcode-select --install


MySQL is available as binaries for OS X: MySQL Community Server 5.7.18


The following dependencies have to be installed from sources for every branch of TrinityCore:

Alternatively, if you use Homebrew, you can copy-paste the following. A detailed guide can be found here: [HowTo] Compile TrinityCore on Mac OS X using Homebrew

brew update
brew install mysql openssl readline cmake boost

This article is part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.

Step 2: Core Installation >>