This page is supposed to show the layout of a regular page, particular how a table page is supposed to look. This can be referred to and based upon.
Back-to:... (Links to respective group)
Title of the example page
This part is supposed to hold all kind of descriptive information. Useful notes, important information and a brief description are supposed to get the user to understand. Only most frequent specifics are going to be mentioned in here.
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
mediumint(8) | signed | PRI | NO | 0 | AUTO_INCREMENT |
| |
varchar(255) |
| YES | NULL |
| |
third | timestamp | signed |
| NO | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | Some comment | |
fourth | tinyint(3) | unsigned | NO | 0 |
Note: The structure of the table must not change. Just it's content has to be fit according to the table.
- Set fields in order.
- Make sure to include correct settings
- Keep it up to date on changes.
Description of fields
This can be any type of number, for example an entry. The "signed" is added into Attributes and the "PRI" is added to the Key. "AUTO_INCREMENT" is added to extra. Note that any of these descriptions actually contain information about it's content.
This can be any type of text, for example a name. It can be NULL and it defaults as NULL. Note that any of these descriptions actually contain information about it's content.
This could be some type of type, for example a indicator "until this time, the type happens". The comment is usually taken from the table, but wiki-related information can be included in here. Note that any of these descriptions actually contain information about it's content.
The varying choices for a option is shown like this:
Value | Type |
If functions are not self-explanatory:
- First type
- Second type
- Third type
Note that any of these descriptions actually contain information about it's content.