This article is part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.

<< Step 1: Requirements

Step 3: Server Setup >>


Getting started

Before you get scared by this long guide, we assure you the procedure is quite simple. Most of the following steps are to be performed only the first time you install Trinity and only the Trinity updating procedures will need to be run from time to time.

Required Software

See Windows Requirements

Pulling & Compiling the Source

Pulling the Source

  1. Create a directory in which Core files will be pulled (for example: C:\Trinity).
  2. Right-click on the directory and click on Git Extensions -> Clone.
  3. Fill in the data as follows:


Repository to clone:
Destination: C:\Trinity
Subdirectory to create: <none>
Branch: 3.3.5
Personal Repository: Yes

This will clone 3.3.5a branch, this is the  RECOMMENDED  branch for starters.


Repository to clone:
Destination: C:\Trinity
Subdirectory to create: <none>
Branch: master
Personal Repository: Yes

This will clone master branch, note that this is  NOT  the recommended branch for starters.

Click Clone. Within a few minutes all of the TrinityCore source files will be pulled into the directory C:\Trinity.

Configuring and generating Visual C++ solutions with CMake

Before you begin, create an empty directory called Build. In this example, we will use D:\Build.

Note: If CMake do not recognize C/C++ compiler, choose Specific Native Compiler, and choose path to target vcvarsall.bat, e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat

Click Browse Source... -> Select 
the source directory (C:/Trinity)

2. Click  Browse Build...  -> Select
the build directory (D:/Build)

3. Click Configure

4. Make sure  Use default native
compilers  is checked

5. In the drop-down menu, choose the
version of the compiler you downloaded
in the Software Required section .

6. Click Finish.

7. Make sure Tools is checked. This will
compile the map extractors needed later
in the setup.
This will also generate connection
patcher on 6.x branch.

8. Click Configure again.

9. Click Generate. This will install the
selected build files into your D:/Build folder.

Note: If MySQL is not found by CMake it is required to set MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR = C:/mysql_libs/include and MYSQL_LIBRARY= C:/mysql_libs/lib_XX/libmysql.lib.
XX depends if you are compiling in 32 or 64 bits mode. (See the 9th point of the Windows requirement list in Windows Core Installation.)

Note 2: If you get linker errors (e.g "error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_server_init"), make sure MYSQL_LIBRARY is set to the libmysql.lib that matches your compile mode (x64 vs 32 bits).

(If you do not see the MYSQL fields in CMake, tick the Advanced box).

Note 3: If you get an error that CMake can't find OpenSSL, check the advanced checkbox. Find the OpenSSL in the list and point to the correct directories (you have to point to the OpenSSL root and the OpenSSL include directories)

Tip: Use the WITH_SOURCE_TREE option to enable a pretty source tree structure in Visual Studio:

no source tree:




Compiling the Source


Browse into your D:\Build folder and open TrinityCore.sln with Visual Studio Community.


On the menu at the top, click Build and select Configuration Manager.


Set Active Solution Configuration to Release


In the list menus below "Help", set Active Solution Platform to Win32 (if you set 64-bit compilation during the CMake configuration, select Win64)
click Close (settings get saved instantly). On some versions of Visual Studio, this will be read and automatically set based on the CMake settings.


Right-click  ALL_BUILD  in the Solution Explorer on the left sidebar and select  Clean .
(on some VS2013 versions, click the Build menu and select  Clean  Solution.)


Right-click ALL_BUILD and select Build.


  1. Compilation length differs from machine to machine, you should expect it to take 5-30 minutes.
  2. If you are asked to "Reload build files" during the compile, do so.
  3. When the build is complete, you will find a message similar to the one below (the numbers may be different).


========== Build: 22 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


Note: in MySQL 5.7 64bit there is a bug. Binary_log_types.h and Binary_log_funcs.h are missing.

you can download and open it with winrar (or google something for opening tar)

then go to mysql-5.7.7-rc\libbinlogevents\include  there you'll find both files.  copy them to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\include (default location, change to your directory if you have a different mysql install location

You will find your freshly compiled binaries in the C:\Build\bin\Release or C:\Build\bin\Debug folder. These are all used to run your server at the end of this instruction.


You will need the following files in order for the core to function properly:



There are a few DLLs that needs to be manually added to this folder, and you need to copy them over from the following installation/bin directories:


libmySQL.dll - C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.x\lib
libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll - C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin 

Please remember to rename the worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist files in worldserver.conf and authserver.conf respectively, unless you want to keep the configuration files of a previously compiled version of the core.


Keeping the Source Up-to-Date


TrinityCore Developers are always at work fixing and adding new features to the core. You can always check them here, or by viewing them from within Git Extensions.


Open your TrinityCore repository in GitExtensions.


  1. Click on the blue arrow
  2. In the new window, click Pull.


This will sync your local repo to the latest commits from the branch you have setup as default.


Now you will need to re-run CMake Configure & Generate to update your SLN files.








If you still have any problem, check:

This article is part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.

<< Step 1: Requirements

Step 3: Server Setup >>