Help: FAQ

Help: FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

We will try to keep this post updated as often as possible.

Review "Trouble with your Trinity Install / Readme 1st / FAQs" first if your question has not been answered here.

Database-related FAQs

  • What is TDB?

    • TDB is a database for the Trinity MMORPG server. The server only comes with a basic schema to allow it to run. You have to use a database, such as TDB, populated with data, if you want to fully test the server.
  • Where did TDB come from?

    • UDB started as a merge of MoDB and SDB data. From UDB came TDB, a fork to provide data for TrinityCore.
  • How often do you update your database?

    • We release stable TDB releases combining all the changes between releases in irregular intervals and individual commits provide their required changes.
  • What is "blizzlike"?

    • TDB is attempting to replicate the Blizzard world for World of Warcraft. The term "blizzlike" means that it is close enough to being a replication of what is on the official Blizzard servers.
  • Why doesn't more of TDB work?

    • Unless there is NO OTHER WAY and NEVER WILL BE, we refuse to put workarounds in the database. If the core doesn't support something yet, you can either use a different database, or live without that feature working. 
    • You could also attempt to contribute by testing and providing a proper solution or implement it properly.
    • It is a big world, we try to fix as many bugs as we can when they are reported, but sometimes we miss some.

Core-related FAQs

  • Q: When is the repository going stable?

    • Soon...™
  • Q: What operating systems are supported?

    • Windows, macOS and *NIX (i.e. Linux)
  • Q: I can't run the extractors on Windows-platforms, it just disappears when I click on it?

    • Please understand that it is a -commandline- tool, not a GUI-tool. This means you need to use the commandline in Windows (start a "Command prompt" and work there), not just nilly-willy doubleclick everywhere.
    • For information on how to "maneuver" around in a commandprompt, seek out Google (we're not here to teach you about how to use a commandprompt).
  • Q: Why don't you have AD.EXE and the other tools in the repository?

    • We decided to strip the precompiled binaries off from the repositories and let users compile it themselves from sourcecode instead.
    • "AD.EXE" is deprecated and is currently called "mapextractor.exe" on Windows and "mapextractor" on *NIX platforms.
    • It will most probably change name again soon to reflect the real use of the tool itself.
  • Q: Why can't we use older versions of the MAP- and DBC-extractors?

    • Do not use older versions of the tools, you'll get issues when starting up the core. See question after the next for further information.
  • Q: What are Maps, VMaps, MMaps and DBCs anyway?

    • Note that TrinityCore does not support and does not condone any form of modification to client files or private / public servers! TrinityCore in itself is meant for theory-crafting and learning.
    • Beside the core as binaries which give a fundamental and the individual client interpreting functions, definitions and commands, the core can be described as 'a body' with the following data forming it's 'anatomy':
      • Maps: Maps are a must and TrinityCore does not run without them. The maps provide physical values and data for the core to interpret. Based on these, the core has a layout that can be compared with each client. This includes area definition.
      • DBCs: DBCs are a must and TrinityCore does not run without them. The DBCs ("Data Base Client [Files]") give essential values that the World of Warcraft client interprets. They define races, textures, local models and more. TrinityCore interprets these and loads them up.
      • VMaps: VMaps are optional, but highly recommended. VMaps ("Virtual Maps") calculate the possibility of line-of-sight, as an example. Based on their content, the server can (for example) calculate if spell casts are possible (e.g. if a wall is in between the target and caster or not).
      • MMaps: MMaps are optional, but recommended. To further physical boundaries, MMaps ("Movement Maps") enforce physical boundaries on non-player characters, e.g. NPCs, as their collision is not handled by the client. They also improve path generation.
    • Compiling TrinityCore with tools will always create the necessary tools to create these.
  • Q: I have issues with extracting Maps, VMaps, MMaps, DBCs (and I've tried using older versions of the extractors) - what is wrong?

    • The old tools have been deprecated as we now use newer and more optimized methods for extracting/compiling the data required to generate the files that the server uses.
    • We decided to do this to avoid issues with users having multiple setups, and to avoid having two sets of maps/vmaps/whatever when attempting to compare code/functionality between TrinityCore.
    • and other projects - at the moment the tools are called MAPEXTRACTOR, MESHEXTRACTOR, MMAPS_GENERATOR, VMAP4EXTRACTOR and VMAP4ASSEMBLER (this will most probably change again though to reflect the real use of the tools themselves).
    • Another note is that the tools requires a commandprompt (as mentioned earlier in this FAQ).
  • Q: I'm missing the libraries for MySQL (mysql.lib) and can't seem to find them in the repository?

    • The libraries has been removed from the sourcetree simply to avoid bloat - make sure to install the MySQL-server WITH DEVELOPMENT HEADERS (make SURE to tick that little square when installing).
    • (If you use the ESSENTIALS-package, you will NOT get the development-headers/libraries - use the full package and make SURE you install the "development"-stuff).
    • You can also SEARCH THE FORUMS for further information.
  • Q: I'm missing the libraries for OpenSSL (ssleya32.lib / libeay32.lib) and can't seem to find them in the repository?

    • These libraries are from the OpenSSL project, and the precompiled versions has been removed from the sourcetree simply to avoid bloat.
    • Further information about this will be given when we have found a common way to do it on all platforms.
    • You can also search the TrinityCore forums for further information/help.
  • Q: Why can't I compile on 32-bit and 64-bit systems?

    • The core and extractors has been tested on 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and should work - use the bugtracker for issues with that, if any.