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Table containing constants indicating the type of event notification
constant None - Invalid event
constant Debug - A debug event, triggered with the cheat SendSceneEvent, stringData of the event contains the parameters the cheat was called with
constant SpellCancel - Indicates a client spell cast was canceled, spellID is stored in the integerData of the event
constant SpellStart - Indicates a client spell cast started, spellID is stored in the integerData of the event, spell reticle radius in the floatData of the event, and scene space dest target in the vectorData
constant SpellComplete - Indicates a client spell cast completed successfully, spellID is stored in the integerData of the event, spell reticle radius in the floatData of the event


A notification to the scene from an external source (e.g. spell cast, debug cheat)
Scene Script type - type of event, member of the SceneEventType table
Scene Script timeStamp - time in milliseconds since the start scene when the event notification occurred
Scene Script integerData - integer data associated with the event
Scene Script floatData - floating point (fractional number) data associated with the event
Scene Script stringData - string data associated with the event
Scene Script vectorData - vector data associated with the event


The Scene class table contains all the overall control mechanisms for ascene, including timing and spawning actors. The current Scene class table that is active in the scene is specially pushed to script as the variable 'scene'.


Function: Scene Script GetPosition(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script the location that the scene was created at


Function: Scene Script Wait(Scene Script self, Scene Script sync)
Yield the currently executing script back to game code, until the sync object is signaled. The sync object is typically a timer, and execution will continue after the timer has expired

  1. Scene Script sync: synchronization object for this wait - when it is signaled, execution will resume


Function: Scene Script Timer(Scene Script self, Scene Script seconds)
Create a synchronization object that waits a specific time
Return: Scene Script newly created sycnhronization timer, that can be waited on

  1. Scene Script seconds: time in seconds to wait


Function: EndScene(Scene Script self)
Forcibly complete the current scene


Function: CancelScene(Scene Script self)
Forcibly cancel the current scene


Function: Scene Script SpawnActor(Scene Script self, Scene Script actorcreateData)
Spawn an actor under the control of the scene
Return: Scene Script newly created Actor instance

  1. Scene Script actorcreateData: data table describing the spawn information for the new actor


Function: AddCoroutine(Scene Script self, Scene Script mainFunction)
Run the function specified as a coroutine in the current scene. The coroutine is added as pending, added to the end of the current queue.

  1. Scene Script mainFunction: function to run as a coroutine


Function: SetFadeRegion(Scene Script self, Scene Script radius, Scene Script includePlayer)
Set a client fading region centered on the scene origin. All units entering this region will be seen to fade out.

  1. Scene Script radius: fade redion radius, in yards. 0 will turn off the fade region.
  2. Scene Script includePlayer: if true, the active player model will also be faded when inside the fade region


Function: SetOverrideSpawnAOISettings(Scene Script self, Scene Script enabled, Scene Script settings)
For any new actor spawns, override their AOI settings with those specified

  1. Scene Script enabled: Enable or disable AOI overrides.
  2. Scene Script settings: Override AOI settings for all subsequent spawns.


Function: SetFadeRegionExcludesAllPlayers(Scene Script self, Scene Script excludeAllPlayers)
Set the currently active fade region to exclude or include all players for fading.

  1. Scene Script excludeAllPlayers: if true, all players in the fade region will be visible


Function: AddFadeRegionExcludedCreature(Scene Script self, Scene Script creatureID)
Add a creature by creatureID that will be excluded from all fading within the region

  1. Scene Script creatureID: ID of the creature to exclude


Function: AddFadeRegionExcludedGameObject(Scene Script self, Scene Script gameObjectID)
Add a game object by gameObjectID that will be excluded from all fading within the region

  1. Scene Script gameObjectID: ID of the game object to exclude


Function: RemoveFadeRegionExcludedCreature(Scene Script self, Scene Script creatureID)
Remove a creature by creatureID from fade region exclusion, causing it to fade in the region

  1. Scene Script creatureID: ID of the creature to stop excluding from fading


Function: RemoveFadeRegionExcludedGameObject(Scene Script self, Scene Script gameObjectID)
Remove a game object by gameObjectID from fade region exclusion, causing it to fade in the region

  1. Scene Script gameObjectID: ID of the game obejct to stop excluding from fading


Function: Scene Script PeekEvent(Scene Script self)
Check for a pending server script event
Return: Scene Script if the server has sent this scene a script event, it will be returned, otherwise the return value is nil


Function: PopEvent(Scene Script self)
Discard the server script event at the top of the stack, allowing PeekEvent to return subsequent events


Function: TriggerServerEvent(Scene Script self, Scene Script event)
Send a named server trigger event

  1. Scene Script event: named server event trigger, will fire the matching server event for this scene


Function: SetRelativeCoords(Scene Script self, Scene Script relative)
Switch the scene between absolute world coordinates, and coordinates being relative to the scene origin

  1. Scene Script relative: true indicates that the scene should be in a relative coordinate space


Function: SetAxisAlignedCoords(Scene Script self, Scene Script aligned)
If a scene is in a relative coordinate space, only use the translation (i.e. the x axis will point in the world space x direction)

  1. Scene Script aligned: true indicates that the scenes x, y and z axis should be aligned with the world x, y and z axis


Function: SetGameCameraTarget(Scene Script self, Scene Script targetActor, Scene Script maxZoom, Scene Script)
Set the camera focus/orbit to an actor in the scene

  1. Scene Script targetActor: actor to be the new camera orbit point. Nil indicates that the game camera should return to the active mover/player.
  2. Scene Script maxZoom: maximum zoom (in yards) for the orbit camera around the new actor


Function: ResetGameCameraZoom(Scene Script self)
Return zoom and zoom extents back to their default values


Function: SetCamera(Scene Script self, Scene Script cameraID, Scene Script transitionTime, Scene Script targetA, Scene Script targetB)
Set a custom scene camera. This will take camera control away from the player.

  1. Scene Script cameraID: ID of a Camera record to use. 0 indicates the default gameplay camera.
  2. Scene Script transitionTime: Time (in seconds) to transition from the current camera to the new camera.
  3. Scene Script targetA: For Camera records that are relative to some primary unit/actor, this is specified here
  4. Scene Script targetB: For Camera records that are relative to some secondary unit/actor, this is specified here


Function: Scene Script AddCameraShake(Scene Script self, Scene Script cameraShakeRecID, Scene Script pos)
Add a one-shot or looping camera shake to the scene
Return: Scene Script Handle to the created camera shake instance, which can be used to manually stop the shake later

  1. Scene Script cameraShakeRecID: ID of a CameraShake record describing the shake parameters
  2. Scene Script pos: For 3D shakes, this is the source of the shake


Function: ClearCameraShake(Scene Script self, Scene Script shakeInstanceID)
Clear a previously initiated shake

  1. Scene Script shakeInstanceID: Handle to the previously created shake, returned from AddCameraShake


Function: Scene Script GetOverrideSpellDataID(Scene Script self)
Get the override spell data for this scene. Note that this spell data may not actually be in use if another scene changed it first
Return: Scene Script ID of the OverrideSpellData entry


Function: SetOverrideSpellDataID(Scene Script self, Scene Script overrideSpellDataID)
Set the override spell data for this scene. Note that this spell data may not actually be in use if another scene changed it first

  1. Scene Script overrideSpellDataID: ID of the OverrideSpellData entry


Function: SetCameraInterruptedByFreelook(Scene Script self, Scene Script canBeInterrupted)
If set, attempting to mouse look will clear the scene camera and prevent future scene cameras from starting

  1. Scene Script canBeInterrupted: indicate whether to disable or enable freelook cancel


Function: Scene Script GetWorldState(Scene Script self, Scene Script worldStateID)
Get the value of a world state variable
Return: Scene Script rvalue of the variable

  1. Scene Script worldStateID: ID of the world state


Function: Scene Script EvalWorldStateExpression(Scene Script self, Scene Script worldStateExpressionID)
Evaluate a world state expression
Return: Scene Script result of the expression (true/false)

  1. Scene Script worldStateExpressionID: ID of the expression


Function: Scene Script EvalPlayerCondition(Scene Script self, Scene Script playerConditionID)
Evaluate a player condition for the local client.
Return: Scene Script result of the condition (true/false)

  1. Scene Script playerConditionID: ID of the player condition. Player condition must be flagged as availabled on the client.


Function: Scene Script LoadPath(Scene Script self, Scene Script pathID)
Load all the information of a WOWEdit created Path record into script
Return: Scene Script the loaded path data

  1. Scene Script pathID: ID of the WOWEdit Path


Function: ApplyScreenEffect(Scene Script self, Scene Script screenEffectID)
Apply a ScreenEffect record by ID

  1. Scene Script screenEffectID: ID of a ScreenEffect record


Function: ClearScreenEffect(Scene Script self, Scene Script screenEffectID)
Clear a ScreenEffect record by ID

  1. Scene Script screenEffectID: ID of a ScreenEffect record. All screen effects currently active on the scene matching this ID will be cleared


Function: Scene Script GetTransform(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script return the world space transformation of the scene origin


Function: Scene Script GetActivePlayerDisplay(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script handle to the active players UnitDisplay, so that visuals and position queries can be performed on the active player.


Function: Scene Script GetCreatorDisplay(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script handle to the creating units UnitDisplay, so that visuals and position queries can be performed.


Function: Scene Script GetSelectedActor(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script return a handle to the selected actor, from this scene. Note if a unit or actor from another scene is selected, nil will be returned


Table of constants indicating the current overall state that the battle is in
constant Invalid
constant Created
constant WaitingPreBattle
constant RoundInProgress
constant WaitingForFrontPets
constant CreateFailed
constant FinalRound
constant Finished


Table of constants indicating the type of a round effect
constant Invalid
constant SetHealth
constant AuraApply
constant AuraCancel
constant AuraChange
constant PetSwap
constant StatusChange
constant SetState
constant SetMaxHealth
constant SetSpeed
constant SetPower
constant TriggerAbility
constant AbilityChange
constant NPCEmote
constant AuraProcesssingBegin
constant AuraProcesssingEnd


Table of constants indicating a particular slot of pet for a battle participant
constant Invalid
constant Pad
constant Weather - Only relevant for 'players' of type Weather
constant Slot1
constant Slot2
constant Slot3


Table of constants indicating a particulat battle participant
constant Invalid
constant Weather
constant Player1
constant Player2


Table of constants indicating particular events needing to be performed in the playback of battle results
constant Invalid
constant RoundResult
constant RoundStart
constant RoundComplete
constant BattleResultsBegin
constant BattleResults
constant BattleOver
constant ObserverChange
constant MoveAbilitySelected - This is a 'precast' event on the client that is triggered as soon as an action is selected
constant MovePetSwapSelected - This is a 'precast' event on the client that is triggereed as soon as a pet swap action is selected
constant MoveTrapSelected - This is a 'precast' event on the client that is triggereed as soon as a trap action is selected


Table of constant range types for a PetBattleVisual, mapping to those selectable in WOWEdit
constant Invalid
constant Melee
constant Ranged
constant InPlace
constant PointBlank
constant BehindMelee
constant BehindRanged


Table of data generated from a BattlePetVisual static data record in WOWEdit. Only records relevant to the current battle will be loaded into the pet battle script
Scene Script ID - ID of the static data in WOWEdit
Scene Script range - One of the range constants
Scene Script spellVisualID - spellVisualID associated with this visual
Scene Script castTime - time to channel a precast animation and visual
Scene Script impactTime - time after cast before impact (e.g. of a missile)
Scene Script scriptFunctionString - special script code for this visual


Table of data generated from a BattlePetAbility static data record in WOWEdit. Only records relevant to the current battle will be loaded into the pet battle script
Scene Script ID - ID of the static data in WOWEdit
Scene Script visualID - ID of the PetBattleVisual table associated with this ability
{Scene Script, ...} turnIDs - List of IDs of the PetBattlePetAbilityTurn tables associated with this ability


Table of data generated from a BattlePetAbilityTurn static data record in WOWEdit. Only records relevant to the current battle will be loaded into the pet battle script
Scene Script ID - ID of the static data in WOWEdit
Scene Script abilityID - ID of the parent PetBattlePetAbility table that this turn belongs to
Scene Script visualID - ID of the PetBattleVisual table associated with this turn
{Scene Script, ...} effectIDs - List of IDs of the PetBattlePetAbilityEffect tables associated with this turn


Table of data generated from a BattlePetAbilityEffect static data record in WOWEdit. Only records relevant to the current battle will be loaded into the pet battle script
Scene Script ID - ID of the static data in WOWEdit
Scene Script turnID - ID of the parent PetBattlePetAbilityTurn table that this effect belongs to
Scene Script visualID - ID of the PetBattleVisual table associated with this effect
Scene Script effectType - ID of the PetBattlePetAbilityEffectType of this effect


Table of data generated from a BattlePetEffectProperties static data record in WOWEdit. Only records relevant to the current battle will be loaded into the pet battle script
Scene Script ID - ID of the static data in WOWEdit
Scene Script visualID - ID of the PetBattleVisual table associated with this effect type


Table of aura information associated with a pet or pad
Scene Script instanceID - unique instance ID used to identify this aura application
Scene Script abilityID - ability ID of the aura ability
Scene Script turnsRemaining - number of turns remaining until the aura expires. -1 indicates the aura lasts forever
Scene Script casterPlayerID - identifier of the player that owns the pet that applied this aura
Scene Script casterPetID - identifier of the pet of the casterPlayerID player that applied this aura


Table of a particular state variable associated with a pet or pad
Scene Script ID - ID of the state variable
Scene Script value - current value of the state variable


Table of information associated with the active abilities of a pet (i.e. the abilities that can actually be cast, and are on the UI bar)
Scene Script abilityID - references a PetBattlePetAbility table by ID
Scene Script cooldownRemaining - number of cooldown rounds remaining
Scene Script lockdownRemaining - number of lockdown rounds remaining


Table of status flags associated with a pet
Scene Script isTrapped - pet is currently in a trap
Scene Script isStunned - pet is stunned
Scene Script isSwapLocked - pet is locked from swapping out
Scene Script isSwapInLocked - pet is locked from swapping in


Table of data describing the entire current state of a pet
Scene Script slot - indicates which slot of the owning player this pet is in
Scene Script creatureID - Creature record ID of the pet
Scene Script displayID - CreatureDisplay record ID of the pet
Scene Script baseHealth - maximum health of the pet
Scene Script level - current level of the pet
Scene Script xp - current XP of the pet
Scene Script health - current health of the pet
{Scene Script, ...} abilities - list of active abilities that the pet posseses, as well as their cooldowns etc
{Scene Script, ...} auras - list of auras currently active on the pet
{Scene Script, ...} states - list of current state variables and their values on the pet
Scene Script status - status flags of the pet (e.g. stunned, trapped)


Table of data describing the entire current state of a player
Scene Script isNPC - is this player AI controlled
Scene Script playerID - indicates which of the two players (or weather) this data is for
Scene Script activePet - slot of the currently active front pet
{Scene Script, ...} petDescs - list of pet state data for this player
Scene Script trapAbilityID - ability ID that this player should use for a trap
Scene Script npcCreatureID - in an NPC battle, this indicates the Creature ID to spawn as an opponent player
Scene Script npcDisplayID - in an NPC battle, this indicates the CreatureDisplay ID of the opponent


Table of data describing the entire current state of the battle, it's players and their pets
Scene Script battleState - current stage of the battle
Scene Script round - round number of the round awaiting playback
{Scene Script, ...} players - list of the state of players in the battle
{Scene Script, ...} abilityDescs - static database of all the relevant abilities to the battle
{Scene Script, ...} abilityTurnDescs - static database of all the relevant ability turns to the battle
{Scene Script, ...} abilityEffectDescs - static database of all the relevant ability effects to the battle
{Scene Script, ...} abilityEffectTypeDescs - static database of all the relevant effect types to the battle
{Scene Script, ...} abilityVisualDescs - static database of all the relevant ability visuals to the battle


Table of data describing a victory ceremony reward for a pet
Scene Script playerID - player whose pet will be rewarded
Scene Script petSlot - slot of the pet to be rewarded
Scene Script wasCaptured - was this pet captured (trapped) during the battle
Scene Script awardedXP - total experience awarded
Scene Script newLevel - final level of the pet
Scene Script newXP - final XP of the pet
Scene Script newHealth - new health value of the pet, after round recovery is applied
Scene Script caged - did the pet end up in a cage


Table of flags for a round effect
Scene Script invalidTarget - indicates the round effect failed on the server for some unknown reason
Scene Script miss
Scene Script crit
Scene Script blocked
Scene Script dodge
Scene Script heal
Scene Script unkillable
Scene Script reflect
Scene Script absorb
Scene Script immune
Scene Script strong
Scene Script weak


Table of data representing a scene playback element
Scene Script instanceID - unique instance ID to identify this particular playback element. These are used in SignalRoundEffectApplied.
Scene Script eventType - type of playback event (e.g. begin round, round result, round result)
Scene Script roundNumber - round number that this playback element is associated with
Scene Script turnInstanceID - for round results, this is a number uniquely identifying this result as belonging to a particular source ability turn
Scene Script stackDepth - for round results, indicates the proc depth of the result
Scene Script effectType - for round results, this indicates the type of result (e.g. SetHealth)
Scene Script flags - for round results, this indicates the success or failure
Scene Script sourceAuraInstanceID - indicates the source of this result is an aura. The caster will be who originally applied this aura
Scene Script casterPlayerID - player ID of the caster that caused this round result
Scene Script casterPetSlot - pet slot of the caster that caused this round result
Scene Script targetPlayerID - player ID of the target of this round result
Scene Script targetPetSlot - pet slot of the target of this round result
Scene Script effectID - an ID of a PetBattlePetAbilityEffect table associated with this round result
Scene Script value - if the effect type sets a value (e.g. health), then the new value will be in this field
Scene Script auraInstanceID - for aura related round results, this is the instance ID of the aura to manipulate
Scene Script auraAbilityID - for aura added round results, this is the ability ID of the aura added, and references a PetBattlePetAbility table
Scene Script auraTurnsRemaining - for aura related round results, this is the number of turns remaining on the aura
Scene Script stateID - indicates the state variable ID for effect type SetState
Scene Script status - for StatusChange round results, this indicates the new values of the flags
Scene Script stateChange - for RoundComplete event types, this indicates the change to the overall battle state at the end of the round
Scene Script winnerID - for BattleResults and BattleOver event types, this is the player slot of the winner of the battle. An invalid player ID indicates a draw or there was no winner
Scene Script abandoned - for BattleResults and BattleOver event types, this indicates if the battle was actually abandoned
{Scene Script, ...} rewards - for BattleResults and BattleOver event types, this is a list of all the individual rewards that should be applied


Table containing constants mapping to the various miss reasons available to floating world text
constant None
constant Physical
constant Resist
constant Dodged
constant Parried
constant Blocked
constant Evaded
constant Immune
constant Immune
constant Deflected
constant Absorbed
constant Reflected
constant Misfired


Table containing constants mapping to the different kinds of floating world text that can be displayed
constant Damage
constant Absorb
constant Critical
constant Miss
constant XPGain
constant HonorGain
constant Healing
constant HealingCritical
constant BuildingDamage
constant BuildingHeal
constant Threat
constant WhiteDamage
constant None


Table containing constants mapping to the different kinds of broadcast
constant Say
constant Yell
constant Whisper - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
constant Emote - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
constant Invalid


Table containing constants indicating how an angle should be adjusted with progress along a move path
constant None - Do not influence rotation
constant Angle - Rotate the shortest arc to reach angle (degrees)
constant AngleAbs - Rotate to this angle exactly, ignoring wrap around
constant Tangent - Angle is adjusted to match the tangent of the path
constant LookAt - Angle is adjusted to face the current look at path point


Table containing constants indicating how position should change over time as a move path is followed
constant TotalTime - Use the MoveData time field as the total time to travel the path
constant ConstantSpeed - Use the MoveData time field as a constant speed to travel the path
constant ConstantSpeedXY - Use the MoveData time field as a constant speed to travel the path, ignoring vertical changes
constant PointTime - Use each MovePoint's time field as the time taken to reach that point
constant PointSpeed - Use each MovePoint's speed field as the speed to be at when crossing that point
constant PointSpeedXY - Use each MovePoint's speed field as the speed to be at when crossing that point, ignoring vertical changes
constant PointSpeedMul - Use each MovePoint's speed field as a multiplier on the base MoveData speed when crossing that point
constant PointSpeedMulXY - Use each MovePoint's speed field as a multiplier on the base MoveData speed when crossing that point, ignoring vertical changes


Table containing constants mapping to an animation tier for an Actor
constant Ground
constant Swim
constant Hover
constant Fly
constant Submerged
constant Invalid


Table containing constants indicating the priority of an actor. Low priority actors are eligible to be faded out if the current actor count is high.
constant Always - If the actor is in range, it will always beshown, regardless of actor count
constant Low


Table containing constants indicating at what distance an actor should fade
constant None - 0 yards
constant Infinite - extends to the farclip plane
constant Gigantic - 400 yards
constant Large - 200 yards
constant Normal - 100 yards
constant Small - 50 yards
constant Tiny - 25 yards


Table containing constants indicating how to disable interaction cursor with range
constant AlwaysOutOfRange - Interaction always out of range
constant AlwaysInRange - Interaction always in range
constant RangeFromPlayer - Interaction range is distance to local player
constant RangeFromCamera - Interaction range is distance to local camera
constant RangeFromActor - Interaction range is distance to a specified actor


Table containing constants indicating an override reaction type for the actor (dictates selection, nameplate color if interactible)
constant Default - Default to the reaction dictated by the creature data
constant Hostile - Appear as hostile (RED)
constant Unfriendly - Appear as unfriendly (ORANGE)
constant Neutral - Appear as neutral (YELLOW)
constant Friendly - Appear as friendly (GREEN)
constant Dead - Appear as dead (GRAY)


Table containing constants indicating weapon slots
constant MainHand - Main hand weapon slot
constant OffHand - Off hand weapon slot
constant Ranged - Ranged weapon slot
constant None - Invalid slot


Table containing constants indicating weapon sheathing
constant Sheathed - Sheathe all weapons
constant ShowWeapon - Show melee weapons
constant ShowRanged - Show ranged weapons


Table containing constants indicating how to interpret the additional speed value used to play an anim kit
constant None - Speed unchanged from that defined in the anim kit
constant Set - Force speed to the override value
constant Scale - Scale anim kit speed by the override value
constant ScaleMoveSpeed - Interpret override value as a move speed, and scale anim playback speed by the animated move speed (used to reduce foot sliding)


Table containing constants indicating how to interpret the additional blend value used to play an anim kit
constant None - Blend time unchanged from that defined by default in the anim kit and the models animation data
constant Set - Force blend time to the override value
constant Min - Take the minimum blend time of the default and the override value
constant Max - Take the maximum blend time of the default and the override value


Table of data that describes how an actor should be faded automatically with range
Scene Script priority - indicate the actor priority. Low priority actors are candidates for auto fading if the actor count is high.
Scene Script range - indicate the automatic fading range of the actor.
Scene Script minRange - indicate a minimum distance that an actor must be from you to be visible (inverse AOI).


Table of data that is defines how, where and what sort of actor should be created, passed to various Scene create functions
Scene Script creatureID - creature record to use to spawn the actor, the record MUST be flagged as client local
Scene Script creatureDisplayID - creature display ID override to spawn the actor
Scene Script itemID - item record used to spawn the actor, the model and texture will be taken from the item record
Scene Script model - model filename override to spawn the actor with
Scene Script scale - initial span scale of the actor
Scene Script facingOffset - reorient the base facing of the actor by this angle (degrees)
Scene Script name - name to show for the actor if it is interactible
Scene Script transform - spawn location of the actor
Scene Script hoverHeight - height to hover above the ground if ground snapping is enabled
Scene Script groundSnap - actor should snap to ground
Scene Script interactible - actor is interactible (can be moused over)
Scene Script selectable - actor is selectable
Scene Script floatingTooltip - if interactible, a floating tooltip should be shown
Scene Script smoothPhase - actor will smooth phase if a matching unit/actor is available
Scene Script aoiSettings - controls the automatic fading off the actor
Scene Script overrideReaction - controls the reaction type for the actor


Table of point data, contained in a list of points in a parent MoveData table structure. Defines information for each point on a path.
Scene Script pos - location of the path point
Scene Script lookAt - a look at point for this path point, used by any angle control set to the LookAt option
Scene Script time - time value associated with this point, used if the MoveData posControl is PointTime
Scene Script speed - speed value asscoiated with this point, used if the MoveData posControl is any of the PointSpeed options
Scene Script yaw - yaw angle at this point in degrees, used if the MoveData yawControl is any of the Angle options
Scene Script pitch - pitch angle at this point in degrees, used if the MoveData pitchControl is any of the Angle options
Scene Script roll - roll angle at this point in degrees, used if the MoveData rollControl is any of the Angle options


Table of move data, contains a list of points or a pathID of point data, as well as information about how the path should be followed
Scene Script isRelative - points/angles of the path are relative to the actors current location and orientation
Scene Script isGroundSnapping - points of the path will be ground snapped, with the Z value of the point being used as an offset from ground level (unless forceGroundSnapPositionZ is also flagged
Scene Script teleportToFirstPoint - rather than moving from the current location to the first point, the actor will snap to the first point instantly
Scene Script forceGroundSnapPositionZ - if ground snapping, the position z is used only for the ground test and not as a relative ground offset
Scene Script noDefaultAnimation - do not play a default movement animation
Scene Script animKitID - custom anim kit to use while performing this movement
Scene Script posControl - indicate what timing method should be used to follow the path
Scene Script yawControl - indicate how yaw should change along the path
Scene Script pitchControl - indicate how pitch should change along the path
Scene Script rollControl - indicate how roll should change along the path
Scene Script time - total time to travel the path, used if posControl is set to TotalTime
Scene Script speed - constant speed (or base speed) to use to travel the path, if posControl is set to ConstantSpeed, PointSpeedMul, PointSpeedMulXY
{Scene Script, ...} points - list of point data for the path
Scene Script pathID - if specified, attempt to use path data from the DB


Table of anim data, used to play an animation kit and override animations, start time blending and speed
Scene Script animKitID - ID of the anim kit to play. All speed, blend and start time settings come from the anim kit data unless otherwised specified here
Scene Script isMaintained - if true, anim kit will play as a maintained/looping kit, and will need to be manually stopped. If false, anim kit plays as a fire and forget one-shot
Scene Script animOverride - Entry from the Animations table to override as the initial anim of the anim kit
Scene Script boneSetIDOverride - Entry from the AnimKitBoneSet table for an override bone to play on (-1 means use default specified in the anim kit)
Scene Script variationOverride - Override the variation index for the initial anim
Scene Script startTimeOverrideMS - If specified, anim kit will begin from this many milliseconds into the initial animation
Scene Script startTimeOverrideProgress - If specified, the initial animation will start at this percentage completion (0 to 1). Takes precedence over the milliseconds value above
Scene Script blendOverrideType - Indicate what type of blend override to use
Scene Script blendOverrideMS - Indicate the value for the blend override
Scene Script speedOverrideType - Indicate what type of speed override to use
Scene Script speedOverrideValue - Indicate the value for the speed override


Table of attachment data, used to define a link between one actor and another
Scene Script parentActor - parent actor to attach to
Scene Script parentAttachment - attachment index in the AttachmentPoints table to attach to
Scene Script useChildAttachOrientation - if true, the orientation of the child attachment will be applied
Scene Script childAttachment - if specified, this attachment point of the child will be attached to the parent
Scene Script useTargetOffset - if true, use the specified target offset from the attachment point. Otherwise, maintain the actors current offset from the attachment point
Scene Script targetOffset - target offset from the attachment point
Scene Script transitionTime - time to transition to the new attachment point


A class table that is a handle to an anim kit that was played on an Actor by script. The handle need not be stored, but can be if you later want to control or stop playback manually.


Function: Stop(Scene Script self)
Stop the anim kit from playing


Function: Scene Script IsStopped(Scene Script self)
Query if the anim kit has stopped
Return: Scene Script true if anim kit playback has stopped


A class table that is a handle to a sound kit that was played on an Actor by script. The handle need not be stored, but can be if you later want to control or stop playback manually.


Function: Stop(Scene Script self)
Stop the sound kit from playing


Function: Scene Script IsStopped(Scene Script self)
Query if the sound kit has stopped
Return: Scene Script true if sound kit playback has stopped


A class table that provides base functionality for manipulating animation, sound and spell effects on an Actor (or a real unit, in certain cases). The Actor class table also includes all of these functions.


Function: Scene Script GetScene(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script the Scene object that owns this actor


Function: Scene Script GetPosition(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script current position of the actor


Function: Scene Script GetTransform(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script current transform of the actor


Function: Scene Script GetRaceID(Scene Script self, Scene Script useNativeVisual)
find the race of an actor or unit
Return: Scene Script return the race ID of the actor or unit. Returns 0 if no race could be found

  1. Scene Script useNativeVisual: if true, return the race of what you were prior to your current transform


Function: StopAnimKit(Scene Script self, Scene Script animKitID)
stop anim kit(s) from playing on this actor

  1. Scene Script animKitID: stop all currently active anim kits on the actor matching this ID


Function: Scene Script IsPlayingCombatAction(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if the actor is playing a combat action anim kit (e.g. triggered from a spell visual)


Function: Scene Script GetAnimTier(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script current anim kit tier for the actor


Function: SetAnimTier(Scene Script self, Scene Script animTier)
switch the animation tier of the actor

  1. Scene Script animTier: new animation tier


Function: ClearSpellPreCastVisual(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID, Scene Script instanceID)
Clear a currently playing precast spell visual from the actor

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: cleared spell visuals must match this ID
  2. Scene Script instanceID: cleared spell visuals must match this particular application instance


Function: ClearSpellStateVisual(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID, Scene Script instanceID)
Clear a currently playing state spell visual from the actor

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: cleared spell visuals must match this ID
  2. Scene Script instanceID: cleared spell visuals must match this particular application instance


Function: ClearSpellChannelVisual(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID, Scene Script instanceID)
Clear a currently playing channel spell visual from the actor

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: cleared spell visuals must match this ID
  2. Scene Script instanceID: cleared spell visuals must match this particular application instance


Function: Scene Script PlaySpellPreCastVisual(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID)
Play (and maintain) the pre cast visual kit from a SpellVisual
Return: Scene Script instance ID for the active spell visual

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: ID of the SpellVisual record to use


Function: Scene Script PlaySpellCastVisual(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID)
Play (and maintain) the cast visual kit from a SpellVisual
Return: Scene Script instance ID for the active spell visual

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: ID of the SpellVisual record to use


Function: Scene Script PlaySpellCastVisualAtTargets(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID, Scene Script missileSpeed, Scene Script speedAsTime, {Scene Script, ...} targets)
Play (and maintain) the cast visual kit from a SpellVisual at specific target actors
Return: Scene Script instance ID for the active spell visual (on the caster)

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: ID of the SpellVisual record to use
  2. Scene Script missileSpeed: speed in yards per second of any produced missiles
  3. Scene Script speedAsTime: treat speed value as the time to reach target for missiles
  4. {Scene Script, ...} targets: list of actors to cast the spell visual at


Function: Scene Script PlaySpellCastVisualAtPoints(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID, Scene Script missileSpeed, Scene Script speedAsTime, {Scene Script, ...} targets)
Play (and maintain) the cast visual kit from a SpellVisual at specific target points
Return: Scene Script instance ID for the active spell visual (on the caster)

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: ID of the SpellVisual record to use
  2. Scene Script missileSpeed: speed in yards per second of any produced missiles
  3. Scene Script speedAsTime: treat speed value as the time to reach target for missiles
  4. {Scene Script, ...} targets: list of points to cast the spell visual at


Function: PlaySpellImpactVisual(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID)
Play a one shot impact visual kit from a SpellVisual

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: ID of the SpellVisual record to use


Function: PlaySpellTargetImpactVisual(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID)
Play a one shot target impact visual kit from a SpellVisual

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: ID of the SpellVisual record to use


Function: Scene Script PlaySpellStateVisual(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID)
Play (and maintain) the state visual kit from a SpellVisual
Return: Scene Script instance ID for the active spell visual

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: ID of the SpellVisual record to use


Function: Scene Script PlaySpellStateVisualAtTargets(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID, {Scene Script, ...} targets)
Play (and maintain) the state visual kit from a SpellVisual at targets, useful for creating beams
Return: Scene Script instance ID for the active spell visual

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: ID of the SpellVisual record to use
  2. {Scene Script, ...} targets: list of target actors


Function: Scene Script PlaySpellChannelVisualAtTargets(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellVisualID, {Scene Script, ...} targets)
Play (and maintain) the channel visual kit from a SpellVisual at targets, useful for creating beams
Return: Scene Script instance ID for the active spell visual

  1. Scene Script spellVisualID: ID of the SpellVisual record to use
  2. {Scene Script, ...} targets: list of target actors


Function: ApplyLevelUpEffect(Scene Script self)
Play the ding effect on this actor


Function: Scene Script IsPlayingSpellCastAnim(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if a cast spell visual is causing the actor to animate


Function: Scene Script IsPlayingSpellPreCastAnim(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if a precast spell visual is causing the actor to animate


Function: Scene Script HasSpellEffect(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellID)
Return if any specific effects are attached to the actor from a specific spell source
Return: Scene Script has attached effects

  1. Scene Script spellID: search for effects created from this spell record


Function: Scene Script HasCastSpellEffect(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellID)
Return if any specific cast effects are attached to the actor from a specific spell source
Return: Scene Script has attached effects

  1. Scene Script spellID: search for cast effects created from this spell record


Function: Scene Script HasPreCastSpellEffect(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellID)
Return if any specific pre-cast effects are attached to the actor from a specific spell source
Return: Scene Script has attached effects

  1. Scene Script spellID: search for pre-cast effects created from this spell record


Function: Scene Script HasPendingMissiles(Scene Script self, Scene Script instanceID)
return if there are any pending (i.e. waiting on an anim event to launch) missiles on this actor
Return: Scene Script has missiles

  1. Scene Script instanceID: spell visual handle returned from the Cast functions


Function: Scene Script HasPendingOrInFlightMissiles(Scene Script self, Scene Script instanceID)
return if there are any pending or in flight missiles from this actor
Return: Scene Script has missiles

  1. Scene Script instanceID: spell visual handle returned from the Cast functions


Function: AddWorldXPGainText(Scene Script self, Scene Script xpGain)
Add floating XP text

  1. Scene Script xpGain: Numerical value


Function: Scene Script PlaySoundKit(Scene Script self, Scene Script soundKitID, Scene Script oneShot)
Play a 3D sound kit at the actor's location
Return: Scene Script Handle to the active sound

  1. Scene Script soundKitID: Sound Entry ID of the sound kit to play
  2. Scene Script oneShot: Should the sound fire and forget or loop continuously


Function: Scene Script PlaySoundKitStereo(Scene Script self, Scene Script soundKitID, Scene Script oneShot)
Play a 2D sound kit
Return: Scene Script Handle to the active sound

  1. Scene Script soundKitID: Sound Entry ID of the sound kit to play
  2. Scene Script oneShot: Should the sound fire and forget or loop continuously


Function: Scene Script PlayMusic(Scene Script self, Scene Script soundKitID)
Play a 2D sound on the music channel
Return: Scene Script Handle to the active sound

  1. Scene Script soundKitID: Sound Entry ID of the sound kit to play


Function: StopSoundKit(Scene Script self, Scene Script soundKitID)
Stop all anim kits on the actor by sound kit ID

  1. Scene Script soundKitID: stop all active sounds matching this ID


Function: BroadcastText(Scene Script self, Scene Script type, Scene Script broadcastTextID)
Play chat bubbles and dialog on the actor, with the dialog playing in 3D

  1. Scene Script type: Type of broadcast - e.g. yell, say
  2. Scene Script broadcastTextID: ID of a BroadcastText record


Function: BroadcastTextStereo(Scene Script self, Scene Script type, Scene Script broadcastTextID)
Play chat bubbles and dialog on the actor, with the dialog playing in 2D

  1. Scene Script type: Type of broadcast - e.g. yell, say
  2. Scene Script broadcastTextID: ID of a BroadcastText record


Function: Scene Script IsPlayingDialogSound(Scene Script self)
Return true if the dialog audio for a broadcast text is playing
Return: Scene Script Dialog sound is playing


A synchronization object used to control when script should yield back to the game. For example, a timer synch object allows the script to sleep for a certain number of seconds


Function: Scene Script IsSignaled(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script if the condition (e.g. time) on the synch object has expired, this will return true


Function: Reset(Scene Script self)
Reset the timer on the synch object so it will need to wait the full time again


Table storing 3D position information
Scene Script x
Scene Script y
Scene Script z


Table storing a point and rotation in 3D space
Scene Script position
Scene Script yaw - degrees
Scene Script pitch - degrees
Scene Script roll - degrees


Table for storing a 32 bit ARGB color value
Scene Script a - alpha value, 0-255
Scene Script r - red value, 0-255
Scene Script g - green value, 0-255
Scene Script b - blue value, 0-255


Table representing a single node of information of a PathData parent table
Scene Script pos - position of the node
Scene Script rot - vector containing (roll, pitch, yaw) of the node (in degrees)
Scene Script scale - scale of the node
Scene Script value - additional data stored at the node


Table containing a list of path points, that can be populated directly from the data base
Scene Script isRelative - path points are relative to a local origin
{Scene Script, ...} nodes - list of path nodes


This is the primary interface for all pet battle related functions, and is pushed to script automatically as the global variable 'battleScene'. Internally the scene manages the state of the battle, and this can be queried. It will also accumulate round results, and they can be processed from script and then signaled as completed, which will update the internal state and notify the UI


Function: Scene Script UseTestPlayerData(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if the user has enabled the CVAR to use test data for the pet battle


Function: Scene Script IsTestBattle(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if the user has enabled the CVAR to run a test pet battle


Function: Scene Script WarningsEnabled(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if the user has enabled the CVAR to turn on pet battle warnings


Function: Scene Script SpawnPet(Scene Script self, Scene Script playerID, Scene Script petID, Scene Script actorCreateData)
Spawn a pet specifically associated with a particular player and pet slot according to the supplied ActorCreateData. The pet actor will be uniquely bound to the game code, so that it can be identified for sound and other hooks
Return: Scene Script the newly spawned actor

  1. Scene Script playerID: player owning the pet
  2. Scene Script petID: slot of the pet
  3. Scene Script actorCreateData: spawn information for the pet


Function: Scene Script SpawnNPC(Scene Script self, Scene Script playerID, Scene Script actorCreateData)
Spawn an NPC pet specifically associated with a particular player according to the supplied ActorCreateData. The pet actor will be uniquely bound to the game code, so that it can be identified for sound and other hooks
Return: Scene Script the newly spawned actor

  1. Scene Script playerID: player owning the pet
  2. Scene Script actorCreateData: spawn information for the pet


Function: Scene Script GetBattleState(Scene Script self)
Return the full up to date battle state associated with the pet battle. WARNING: this function is relatively expensive and should typically only be called on battle startup
Return: Scene Script full update of the current battle state


Function: SignalOpeningComplete(Scene Script self)
Indicate that the opening phase of the pet battle intro is complete and that the UI should be displayed


Function: Scene Script HasPendingEffects(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if there are pending events that need to be played back by the scene script


Function: Scene Script GetPendingEffect(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script the first pending playback event


Function: SignalEffectApplied(Scene Script self, Scene Script eventInstanceID)
When a playback event has been completed by the script, this notifies the internal state to update, which will in turn trigger the UI and other feedback

  1. Scene Script eventInstanceID: instanceID of the playback event to signal. Since playback must occur in order, if the instance ID is not the first pending, all playback events will be flushed until this is reached


Function: SignalBattleComplete(Scene Script self)
Indicates that the battle playback has completed and the battle can shutdown


Function: Scene Script IsUIObserving(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if the battle is being observed from the pet battle UI


Function: Scene Script GetUIObservingPlayer(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script the slot of the player that the UI is observing the battle from


Function: Scene Script GetUICameraTransition(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script a value indicating if there is enough space available to successfuly perform the default camera transitoin


Function: SetPetBattleGameCameraTarget(Scene Script self, Scene Script cameraTarget, Scene Script zoomMin, Scene Script zoomMax)
Set the pet battle orbit camera to focus on an actor, restoring the pet battle camera zoom that has been saved

  1. Scene Script cameraTarget: target actor for the freelook camera
  2. Scene Script zoomMin: minimum zoom for the camera
  3. Scene Script zoomMax: maximum zoom for the camera


Function: ResetPetBattleGameCameraZoom(Scene Script self)
Reset the game camera zoom to the normal values, and store the current pet battle zoom


Function: Scene Script GetActivePlayerDisplay(Scene Script self, Scene Script playerID)
Get a display handle for the active players in a pet battle, so that they can have animations and effects played on them
Return: Scene Script the display handle fof the requested player

  1. Scene Script playerID: player slot of the player handle to obtain


Function: PlayPetBattleMusic(Scene Script self, Scene Script soundKitID)
Play a sound by ID on the special PetBattleMusic sound track

  1. Scene Script soundKitID: ID of the SoundEntry for the music


A class table that maps to an instance of a client created unit. As well as the functions listed below, an Actor contains all the functions of a UnitDisplay table.


Function: SetTransform(Scene Script self, Scene Script transform)
Set the current position and rotation of the actor

  1. Scene Script transform: new transform for the actor


Function: SetModel(Scene Script self, Scene Script modelData)
Change the model used for the actor, without interrupting animation or movement

  1. Scene Script modelData: structure containing dispolay information for the new model. Transformation and name information are ignored, but a model file name, creature ID or creature display ID can be specified, as well as a scale and facing offset.


Function: Scene Script GetScale(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script the current script scale of the actor


Function: SetScale(Scene Script self, Scene Script scale)
Set the current script scale of the actor

  1. Scene Script scale: new scale for the actor


Function: EquipWeapon(Scene Script self, Scene Script slot, Scene Script itemID)
Set the item equipped in a particular weapon slot (0 clears the slot)

  1. Scene Script slot: weapon slot
  2. Scene Script itemID: ID of an item record in WOWEdit


Function: Scene Script GetSheatheState(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script the current target sheathe state of the actor (spell effects that manipulate sheathing will take priority, as with normal units)


Function: SetSheatheState(Scene Script self, Scene Script sheatheState, Scene Script instant)
Set the target sheathe state for the actor (spell effects that manipulate sheathing will take priority, as with normal units)

  1. Scene Script sheatheState: new target sheathe state
  2. Scene Script instant: do not animate any sheathe transition


Function: Scene Script GetHealth(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script the current health value of the actor, purely for visuals on the portrait


Function: Scene Script GetMaxHealth(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script the current max health value of the actor, purely for visuals on the portrait


Function: SetHealth(Scene Script self, Scene Script health)
Set the health that will displayed on UI elements (e.g. protrait frames) for this actor

  1. Scene Script health: new health value of this actor


Function: SetMaxHealth(Scene Script self, Scene Script maxHealth)
Set the maximum health that will displayed on UI elements (e.g. protrait frames) for this actor

  1. Scene Script maxHealth: new maximum health value of this actor


Function: SetRelativeTo(Scene Script self, Scene Script parentActor)
Maintaining the actor's current position, mark it as relative to another actor. When the parent actor moves, the current offset from the parent will be maintained. When the child actor moves, movement will modify the offset to the parent

  1. Scene Script parentActor: actor that will become the new parent, or 'transport' of this actor


Function: SetAttachedTo(Scene Script self, Scene Script attachData)
Maintaining the actor's current position, mark it as relative to another actor's attachment point. When the parent actor moves, the current offset from the parent will be maintained. When the child actor moves, movement will modify the offset to the parent

  1. Scene Script attachData: information for the attachment - parent actor, attachment point, offsets etc


Function: Scene Script GetAttachmentTransform(Scene Script self, Scene Script attachmentIndex, Scene Script offset, Scene Script predictAheadSeconds)
Return the world space transform of an attachment point of an actor. If the actor does not have that attachment point, the root of the actor will be returned.
Return: Scene Script Full transform of the attachment point (note, scale will be removed)

  1. Scene Script attachmentIndex: attachment point to look up, see the AttachmentPoint table for available points
  2. Scene Script offset: additional transformation to apply to the attachment point
  3. Scene Script predictAheadSeconds: if the actor is moving, predict the attachment point this many seconds into the future. NOTE: this will be approximate


Function: StopMovement(Scene Script self)
Stop any current movement


Function: Move(Scene Script self, Scene Script moveData)
Instruct the actor to perform a movement

  1. Scene Script moveData: data structure containing a description of the movement to be performed


Function: Scene Script IsMoving(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if the actor is moving


Function: Scene Script GetRemainingMoveTime(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script return time remaining until current movement complete


Function: SetSnapToGround(Scene Script self, Scene Script snapToGround)
Turn on/off ground snapping for an actor. When snap is enabled, the actor will immediately snap from it's current location to the ground.

  1. Scene Script snapToGround: enable ground snap


Function: Scene Script IsGroundSnapPending(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if this actor is set to snap to the ground, but ground couldn't not be found (either too high, or the ground may be too far out of range to be loaded)


Function: SetHoverHeight(Scene Script self, Scene Script hoverHeight)
Modify the hover height for the actor. If the actor is ground snapping, this is the height above the ground that that the actor will maintain

  1. Scene Script hoverHeight: new hover height for the actor


Function: Scene Script GetHoverHeight(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script current hover height of the actor


Function: SetHoverHeightSpeed(Scene Script self, Scene Script hoverHeightSpeed)
Modify the hover height change speed of the actor. Rate at which hover height will be changed (a value of zero will lead to instant changes)

  1. Scene Script hoverHeightSpeed: new hover height for the actor


Function: Scene Script GetHoverHeightSpeed(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script current hover height speed of the actor


Function: SetFacing(Scene Script self, Scene Script facingAngle)
Turn the actor to a given facing. If the actor is moving, or starts a new move, the facing will be reset to the direction of movement.

  1. Scene Script facingAngle: new facing angle for the actor (degrees)


Function: SetFacingToAbs(Scene Script self, Scene Script absPos)
Lock actor facing to a particular world position. The actor will continue to face this position during movement, until ClearFacing is called.

  1. Scene Script absPos: position in the world to face


Function: SetFacingToTarget(Scene Script self, Scene Script target, Scene Script offset)
Lock actor facing to another actor, plus a world space offset. Movement will not break the facing lock.

  1. Scene Script target: actor to focus facing direction on
  2. Scene Script offset: offset from the target actor to look at. (0,0,0) will look directly at the actor


Function: ClearFacing(Scene Script self)
Remove any current facing lock on the actor. The actor will maintain it's current facing until a movement or other facing change.


Function: SetHeadFacing(Scene Script self, Scene Script facingAngle)
Turn the actor's head to a given facing. If the actor is moving, or starts a new move, the head facing will be reset to the direction of movement.

  1. Scene Script facingAngle: new head facing angle for the actor (degrees)


Function: SetHeadFacingToAbs(Scene Script self, Scene Script absPos)
Lock actor head facing to a particular world position. The actor will continue to face his head at this position during movement, until ClearHeadFacing is called.

  1. Scene Script absPos: position in the world to turn head to


Function: SetHeadFacingToTarget(Scene Script self, Scene Script target, Scene Script offset)
Lock actor head facing to another actor, plus a world space offset. Movement will not break the head facing lock.

  1. Scene Script target: actor to focus head facing direction on
  2. Scene Script offset: offset from the target actor to look at. (0,0,0) will turn head directly at the actor


Function: ClearHeadFacing(Scene Script self)
Remove any current head facing lock on the actor. The actor's head facing will return to its current base facing.


Function: SetFacingTurnRate(Scene Script self, Scene Script rate)
Adjust the rate at which facing adjustments are made by the actor. Default is '5', a higher number will turn faster

  1. Scene Script rate: new facing for the actor


Function: Scene Script GetFacingTurnRate(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script current facing rate for the actor


Function: Scene Script IsReadyToDisplay(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if the actor's model and textures are fully loaded, so that it can be rendered


Function: SetHidden(Scene Script self, Scene Script hidden)
Turn on and off rendering for an actor

  1. Scene Script hidden: new rendering state for the actor


Function: Despawn(Scene Script self)
Fade out and despawn the actor


Function: Scene Script IsDespawned(Scene Script self)
Test if the actor has been despawned
Return: Scene Script returns true if Despawn has previously been called on this actor


Function: Fade(Scene Script self, Scene Script alpha, Scene Script time)
Fade the actor to a particular alpha value over time

  1. Scene Script alpha: target alpha value for the fade (a number 0 to 1)
  2. Scene Script time: time to fade over, in seconds


Function: SetFloatingTooltip(Scene Script self, Scene Script floating)
Enable or disable tooltips in the 'floating' style (e.g. signs on sign posts). Tooltips are only visible for interactable actors.

  1. Scene Script floating: set to true to enable tooltips in the 'floating' style


Function: SetInteractible(Scene Script self, Scene Script interactable)
Control the interactability of the actor. Interactable actors have mouse-over highlight and tooltips available

  1. Scene Script interactable: set to true to make the actor interactable


Function: SetSelectable(Scene Script self, Scene Script selectable)
Control the selectability of the actor. Selectable actors will have portrait frames and selection circles like a normal unit

  1. Scene Script selectable: set to true to make the actor selectable


Function: SetInteractCursor(Scene Script self, Scene Script cursorName, Scene Script rangeType, Scene Script range, Scene Script relativeTo)
Change the cursor and interaction range for the actor

  1. Scene Script cursorName: name of the cursor file, e.g. 'crosshairs'
  2. Scene Script rangeType: method for calculating the range of the interaction {e.g. from player, from camera)
  3. Scene Script range: range of the interaction
  4. Scene Script relativeTo: if range type is relative to some other actor, specify that actor here (otherwise use nil)


Function: Scene Script GetOverrideReaction(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script return the current reaction type for this actor


Function: SetOverrideReaction(Scene Script self, Scene Script reaction)
Set an override for the reaction type for this actor, dictates selection color

  1. Scene Script reaction: new reaction type for the actor. Set to type default to revert to the creature data reaction


Function: Scene Script GetRightClickCount(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script return the number of times this actor has been right clicked


Function: CastSpell(Scene Script self, Scene Script spellID, Scene Script target)
Simulate a full spell cast, playing all appropriate spell visuals and respecting cast time to play precast visuals

  1. Scene Script spellID: Spell table ID of the spell to cast. Must be available on the client
  2. Scene Script target: Target actor for impacts, missile destinations etc


Function: Scene Script IsCasting(Scene Script self)
Return: Scene Script true if the actor is simulating a spell cast

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