The `conditions` table
This table allows you to define conditions for various systems - Gossip, loot etc.
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
mediumint(8) | signed | PRI | NO | 0 | |||
mediumint(8) | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | |||
mediumint(8) | signed | PRI | NO | 0 | |||
int(11) | signed | PRI | NO | 0 | smart_scripts.source_type || 0 for everything else | ||
mediumint(8) | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | |||
mediumint(8) | signed | PRI | NO | 0 | |||
tinyint(3) | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | |||
int(10) | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | |||
int(10) | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | |||
int(10) | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | |||
tinyint(3) | unsigned | NO | 0 | Boolean 0 or 1 (if NegativeCondition | |||
mediumint(8) | unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
mediumint(8) | unsigned | NO | 0 | ||||
char(64) | signed | NO | ' ' | ||||
varchar(255) | YES | NULL |
Description of the fields
if negative, then it is a reference template.
SourceTypeOrReferenceId | ID | SourceGroup | SourceEntry | SourceId | ConditionTarget | Notes |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_NONE | 0 | See REFERENCE TEMPLATES | (conditions#REFERENCE TEMPLATES) | Always 0 | (See below) | Only used in Reference Templates! See below. |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_CREATURE_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 1 | creature_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_DISENCHANT_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 2 | disenchant_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_FISHING_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 3 | fishing_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_GAMEOBJECT_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 4 | gameobject_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_ITEM_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 5 | item_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_MAIL_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 6 | mail_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_MILLING_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 7 | milling_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_PICKPOCKETING_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 8 | pickpocketing_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_PROSPECTING_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 9 | prospecting_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_REFERENCE_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 10 | reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_SKINNING_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 11 | skinning_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_SPELL_LOOT_TEMPLATE | 12 | spell_loot_template.Entry or reference_loot_template.Entry | item id (_loot_template.Item or reference_loot_template.Item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_SPELL_IMPLICIT_TARGET | 13 | Mask of effects to be affected by condition: 1 = EFFECT_0, 2 = EFFECT_1, 4 = EFFECT_2 | Spell Id from Spell DBC file | Always 0 | 0 : Potential spell Target | Don't use wowhead to get number of effects, data from wowhead sometimes doesn't match real effect number. |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_GOSSIP_MENU | 14 | gossip_menu.entry (gossip menu entry) | gossip_menu.text_id (points to npc_text.ID) | Always 0 | 0 = Player | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_GOSSIP_MENU_OPTION | 15 | gossip_menu_option.menu_id (menu entry) | | Always 0 | 0 = Player | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_CREATURE_TEMPLATE_VEHICLE | 16 | Always 0 | creature entry (creature_template.entry) | Always 0 | 0 = Player riding vehicle | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_SPELL | 17 | Always 0 | Spell ID from Spell.dbc | Always 0 | 0 = spell Caster 1 = Explicit Target of the spell (only for spells which take the object selected by caster into account) |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_SPELL_CLICK_EVENT | 18 | creature entry (npc_spellclick_spells.npc_entry) | Spell (npc_spellclick_spells.spell_id) | Always 0 | 0 = Clicker 1 = Spellclick target (clickee) | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_QUEST_AVAILABLE | 19 | Always 0 | Quest ID | Always 0 | Always 0 | Condition must be met for quest to be available to player. |
UNUSED | 20 | |||||
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_VEHICLE_SPELL | 21 | creature entry (creature_template.entry) | Spell ID from Spell.dbc | Always 0 | 0 = Player for whom spell bar is shown 1 = Vehicle creature | This will show or hide spells in vehicle spell bar. |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_SMART_EVENT | 22 | ID ( + 1 | EntryOrGuid (smart_scripts.entryorguid) | SourceType (smart_scripts.source_type) | 0 = Invoker 1 = Object | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_NPC_VENDOR | 23 | vendor entry (npc_vendor.entry) | item entry (npc_vendor.item) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_SPELL_PROC | 24 | Always 0 | Spell ID of aura which triggers the proc | Always 0 | 0 = Actor 1 = ActionTarget | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_TERRAIN_SWAP (6.x / 7.x only) | 25 | Always 0 | terrainSwap - object in terrainswap [ 6.x / 7.x only ] | Always 0 | (source code / new description here) | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_PHASE (6.x / 7.x only) | 26 | Phase ID | Zone or Area ID (or 0 for any area) | Always 0 | (source code / new description here) | |
CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_MAX | 27 | (Placeholder) |
See above.
See above.
Allows building grouped conditions - all entries belonging to the same condition (same SourceType, SourceGroup and SourceEntry) that share the same number in ElseGroup, define one group. The entire condition is met when any of its groups is met (logical OR). The group is met when all of its entries are met (logical AND).
Two conditions with the same SourceType, SourceGroup and SourceEntry but with a different Condition, the first one has ElseGroup = 1 and the second has ElseGroup = 2, this creates a Logical OR.
Two conditions with the same SourceType, SourceGroup and SourceEntry but with a different Condition, both has ElseGroup = 1, this creates a Logical AND.
ConditionTypeOrReference (name) | Value | ConditionValue1 | ConditionValue2 | ConditionValue3 | Usage |
CONDITION_NONE | 0 | (Never used) | (Never used) | (Never used) | |
CONDITION_AURA | 1 | Spell ID from Spell.dbc | Effect index (0-2) | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_ITEM | 2 | item entry (item_template.entry) | item count | 0 = not in bank, 1 = in bank | |
CONDITION_ITEM_EQUIPPED | 3 | item entry (item_template.entry) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_ZONEID | 4 | Zone ID where this condition will be true. | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
| rank: Add the target ranks together for the condition to be true for all those ranks. | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_TEAM | 6 | Team id :Alliance = 469 / Horde = 67 | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SKILL | 7 | Required skill. See SkillLine.dbc . | Skill rank value (e.g. from 1 to 450 for the 3.3.5 branch) | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_QUESTREWARDED | 8 | Quest ID - see | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_QUESTTAKEN | 9 | Quest ID - see | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_DRUNKENSTATE | 10 | Sober=0; Tipsy=1, Drunk=2, Smashed=3 | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_WORLD_STATE | 11 | World state index | World state value | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_ACTIVE_EVENT | 12 | Event entry (game_event.eventEntry) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_INSTANCE_INFO | 13 | entry (see corresponding source script files for info) | data (see corresponding script source files for more info) | 0=INSTANCE_INFO_DATA 1=INSTANCE_INFO_GUID_DATA 2=INSTANCE_INFO_BOSS_STATE 3=INSTANCE_INFO_DATA64 | |
CONDITION_QUEST_NONE | 14 | Quest ID - see | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_CLASS | 15 | Class mask from ChrClasses.dbc Add flags together for all classes where condition is true. | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_RACE | 16 | Player must be this race. See ChrRaces.dbc . Add flags together for all races where condition is true. | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT | 17 | Achievement ID from Achievement.dbc | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_TITLE | 18 | Title ID from CharTitles.dbc | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SPAWNMASK | 19 | spawnMask from Creature.spawnMask / Gameobject.spawnMask | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_GENDER | 20 | 0 = Male, 1 = Female, 2 = None | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_UNIT_STATE | 21 | UnitState (enum from Unit.h) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_MAPID | 22 | Map entry from Map.dbc (0=Eastern Kingdoms, 1=Kalimdor, - and so on.) | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_AREAID | 23 | Area ID from AreaTable.dbc | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_CREATURE_TYPE | 24 | Creature type from creature_template.type True if creature_template.type == ConditionValue1 | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_SPELL | 25 | Spell ID from Spell.dbc | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_PHASEMASK | 26 | phasemask value | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_LEVEL | 27 | Player level (1-80 in 3.3.5 || 1-110 in 7.x) | Optional: 0 = Level must be equal, 1 = Level must be higher, 2 = Level must be lower, 3 = Level must be higher or equal, 4 = Level must be lower or equal. | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_QUEST_COMPLETE | 28 | Quest ID - see | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_NEAR_CREATURE | 29 | Creature entry from creature_template.entry | Distance in yards | Alive=0 / Dead=1 | |
CONDITION_NEAR_GAMEOBJECT | 30 | Gameobject entry from gameobject_template.entry | Distance in yards | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_OBJECT_ENTRY_GUID | 31 | TypeID. Available object types: |
1 - 500k : creature / gameobject GUID | |
CONDITION_TYPE_MASK | 32 | TypeMask - a bitmask of following object types: | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
| RelationType - defines relation of current ConditionTarget to target specified in ConditionValue1. | Always 0 | |
| rankMask: This bitmask defines the reaction(s) of the current ConditionTarget | Always 0 | |
| Distance. Defines distance between current ConditionTarget and target specified in ConditionValue1 | ComparisionType: | |
CONDITION_ALIVE | 36 | Always 0 - Use NegativeCondition and the following settings: NegativeCondition = 0 if target needs to be ALIVE. | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_HP_VAL | 37 | HP value | ComparisionType:
| Always 0 | |
CONDITION_HP_PCT | 38 | Percentage of max HP | ComparisionType:
| Always 0 | |
CONDITION_REALM_ACHIEVEMENT | 39 | Achievement ID from Achievement.dbc | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_IN_WATER | 40 | Always 0 - Use NegativeCondition and the following settings: NegativeCondition = 0 If target needs to be on land NegativeCondition = 1 If target needs to be in water | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_TERRAIN_SWAP | 41 | terrainSwap - true if object is in terrainswap [ 6.x only ] | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
| 42 | stateType (exact or any): 0 = Exact state used in ConditionValue2 1 = Any type of state in ConditionValue2 | Exact stand state, or generic state (stand / sit), depending on value 1 0 = Standing 1 = Sitting | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_DAILY_QUEST_DONE | 43 | Quest ID - see | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_CHARMED | 44 | Always 0 | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_PET_TYPE | 45 | mask | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_TAXI | 46 | Always 0 | Always 0 | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_QUESTSTATE | 47 | Quest ID - see | state_mask: true if player is in any of the provided quest states for the quest (1 = not taken, 2 = completed, 8 = in progress, 32 = failed, 64 = rewarded) | Always 0 | |
CONDITION_QUEST_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE | 48 | Quest Objective ID - see quest_objectives (6.x / 7.x/ 8.x only) Quest ID (3.3.5 only) | Objective index (a value from 0 to 3) 3.3.5 only | Counter (3.3.5 only) | |
CONDITION_DIFFICULTY_ID | 49 | Difficulty (0 None, 1 Normal, etc) | Always 0 | Always 0 | true if target's map has difficulty id |
CONDITION_OBJECT_ENTRY_GUID | 51 | TypeID | entry | guid | true if object is type TypeID and the entry is 0 or matches entry of the object or matches guid of the object |
CONDITION_TYPE_MASK | 52 | TypeMask | Always 0 | Always 0 | true if object is type object's TypeMask matches provided TypeMask |
Allows selecting an object for which conditions will be checked. Available objects are dependant on SourceTypeOrReferenceId, for details see respective source type reference.
See below
See below
See below
If set to 1, the condition will be "inverted"
Example: CONDITION_AURA with NegativeCondition will be true when the player does NOT have the aura.
Id from /src/server/game/Miscellaneous/SharedDefines.h:839. Will be displayed only for the below condition source type:
Id from /src/server/game/Miscellaneous/SharedDefines.h:1033. Will be displayed only for the below condition source type:
(ErrorType must be SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR (209) otherwise 0)
The ScriptName this condition uses, if any.
Explanation of this condition or reference
Explanation of condition types
The content of the conditions#SourceGroup and conditions#SourceEntry fields depends on the conditions#SourceTypeOrReferenceId
Only used in Reference Templates! See below.
*SourceGroup: loot entry (_loot_template.Entry or Reference_loot_template.Entry)
*SourceEntry: item id (_loot_template.Item or Reference_loot_template.Item)
- ConditionTarget: always 0
example: if you use type 1 (creature_loot_template) then use the entry and item fields from that table
- SourceGroup: mask of effects to be affected by condition (1 - EFFECT_0, 2 - EFFECT_1, 4 - EFFECT_2 - don't use wowhead to get number of effects, data from wowhead sometimes doesn't match real effect number)
- SourceEntry: spell (Spell Id from Spell DBC file.)
- ConditionTarget:
- 0 - Potential target of the spell
- 1 - Caster of the spell
- this condition source type allows to define a filter for possible spell effect targets, so only targets matching condition will be selected as implicit targets of the spell. Only target types: AREA, NEARBY and CONE are allowed to be filtered. This source type affects only targets selected by spell, it doesn't affect spell target selected by player on cast, to affect that target use CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_SPELL.
- to restrict targets to player's only use CONDITION_TYPEMASK with TYPEMASK_PLAYER + TYPEMASK_CORPSE to allow targeting dead players.
- remember that conditions with the same value ElseGroup will be used to make logical AND check, so to allow different targets for the same spell effect you have to set ElseGroup respectively.
- if you're looking for old CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_SPELL_SCRIPT_TARGET - use this condition source type instead
- SourceGroup: gossip menu entry (gossip_menu.entry)
- SourceEntry: gossip menu text id (gossip_menu.text_id)
- ConditionTarget:
- 0 - Player for which gossip text is shown
- 1 - WorldObject providing gossip
- SourceGroup: gossip menu entry (gossip_menu_option.menu_id)
- SourceEntry: gossip menu option id (
- ConditionTarget:
- 0 - Player for which gossip text is shown
- 1 - WorldObject providing gossip
- SourceGroup: always 0
- SourceEntry: creature entry (creature_template.entry)
- ConditionTarget:
- 0 - Player riding a vehicle
- 1 - Vehicle creature
Note: creature entry must be a vehicle. Example: If this is used with CONDITION_AREA, the player will be dismounted from the vehicle if the mounted player leaves that area.
- SourceGroup: always 0
- SourceEntry: spell (Spell Id from Spell.dbc)
- ConditionTarget:
- 0 - Caster of the spell
- 1 - Explicit target of the spell (only for spell