Tables in the world database
Some tables which are not listed anymore have already been moved to our new wiki: https://trinitycore.info/en/database/master/world/home
- access_requirement335 R
- achievement_criteria_data R
- achievement_dbc
- battleground_template335 T
- conditions R T
- creature_classlevelstats T
- creature_loot_template R
- creature_template R note: enter creature entries separated by space
- disenchant_loot_template R
- event_scripts R
- fishing_loot_template R
- gameobject
- loot_template R
- gameobject_scripts
- gameobject_template
- item_enchantment_template R
- item_loot_template R
- item_set_names R
- item_set_names_locale R
- item_template
- item_template_locale R
- lfg_dungeon_rewards R
- lfg_entrances
- linked_respawn R
- mail_level_reward R
- mail_loot_template R
- milling_loot_template R
- npc_spellclick_spells R
- npc_text
- npc_text_locale R
- npc_trainer R
- npc_vendor R
- outdoorpvp_template
- page_text R
- page_text_locale R
- pet_levelstats T
- pet_name_generation T
- phase_area
- pickpocketing_loot_template R
- player_classlevelstats T
- player_factionchange_achievement
- player_factionchange_items
- player_factionchange_reputations
- player_factionchange_spells
- player_levelstats T
- player_xp_for_level T
- playercreateinfo T
- playercreateinfo_action T
- playercreateinfo_item
- playercreateinfo_skills
- playercreateinfo_spell_custom
- points_of_interest R
- points_of_interest_locale R
- pool_creature
- pool_gameobject
- pool_pool
- pool_quest
- pool_template
- prospecting_loot_templateR
- quest_details
- quest_greeting
- quest_greeting_locale
- quest_mail_sender
- quest_objectives master only for now
- quest_offer_reward
- quest_poi R
- quest_poi_points R
- quest_request_items
- quest_template R
- quest_template_addon
- quest_template_locale R
- reference_loot_template R
- reputation_reward_rate R
- reputation_spillover_template R
- skill_discovery_template R
- scene_template R
- script_waypoint T
- skill_discovery_template R
- skill_extra_item_template R
- skill_fishing_base_level R
- skinning_loot_template R
- smart_scripts R
- spawn_group
- spawn_group_template
- spell_area R
- spell_bonus_dataR T
- spell_custom_attrT
- spell_dbc T
- spell_enchant_proc_data T
- spell_group R T
- spell_group_stack_rules R T
- spell_learn_spell R T
- spell_linked_spell R T
- spell_loot_template R
- spell_pet_auras R T
- spell_proc R
- spell_ranks T
- spell_required R
- spell_script_names T
- spell_scripts R
- spell_target_position R
- spell_threat R T
- spelldifficulty_dbc T
- warden_checks
- waypoint_scripts R